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Subject: RE: guidelines on usage of namespaces
Message text written by Bob Miller >David Webber has a solution revolving around xlink in the dtd. His approach may be more sensible. MILR: I've seen some of this stuff. My first reaction was 'neat, but sounds resource expensive'. Worth keeping an eye on though. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Ooops - my eagle eye spotted this reference - and of course I'm here to tell you right way that this will all come FREE with the next releases of the parsers that will fully support the XLink spec', especially if they do it right and also support native http date/time stamp query and local caching in the regular internet cache system on either client or server (OK, OK, I lost most people there except people that write parser code and tinker with browsers at low-levels for a living). Bottom line - give this another 3 months and will be able to demo' this live for people and show how seamlessly simple it is because all the hardwork will be done by Microsofts or Netscapes or Apaches code that's already out there by the millions. BTW - You can already do some of this at the DTD fragment level right now, with plain vanilla XML 1.0, and of course X2X are shipping an XLink toolkit if you want to write Java to do it with. So - what's my take on namespaces? Use them extremely sparingly, and ONLY when absolutely necessary to avoid element name clashes. Even when element name clashes occur - they can often be benign provided you reference the name uniquely by context within the XML structure. It would be interesting to have someone provide an example of an element naming clash that they really encountered. My suspicion right now is that this is NOT a real-world scenario that anyone has really hit. But since Microsoft and Office2000 use o: p: x: w: , now EVERYONE else thinks they have to get into the act. (Notice despite using namespaces Word2000 still writes out no-validating XML - sheesh, so THAT fact should be getting centre stage not the namespaces!) DW.
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