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Subject: Technical Architecture Group Minutes for 01 Feb 2000
Minutes for ebXML Technical Architecture group Date: 01 February 2000 Attendees: Karl Best, Enigma, KarlB@enigma.com Toufic Boubez, IBM, boubez@us.ibm.com Kerstien Celis, EAN International, kerstien@ean.be Scott Colthurst, State Farm, scott.colthurst.cdlu@statefarm.com Charles Fenton, Sterling Commerce, chuck_fenton@stercomm.com Anders Grangard, Edifrance, anders.grangard@edifrance.org Scott Hinkelman, IBM, srh@us.ibm.com Peter Kacandes, Sun, peter.kacandes@sun.com Piming Kuo, Worldspan, piming.kuo@worldspan.com Leslie Lundquist, CommerceNet , leslie@commerce.net Melanie McCarthy, GM, Melanie.McCarthy@gm.com Bob Miller, GEIS, robert.miller@geiis.ge.com Duane Nickull, XML Global, duane@xmlglobal.com Nikola Stojanovic, CJDS, nstojano@cjds.com James Tauber, Bowstreet, jtauber@bowstreet.com Minutes: [Note: It was agreed that the minutes would be high-level minutes, since the minutes-taker also needed to participate in the discussion.] Introductions of the team members around the table. Quick overview of status and past activities. OASIS private website is now available. Duane Nickull will transfer current information to the OASIS website. Agenda was approved. Minutes of last conference call were approved. Since we have several new members, it was decided to proceed with elections for the positions of chair and editor for the group. Results: Anders Grangard as chair, Bob Miller as vice-chair. Duane Nickull as editor. We had a quick overview of the current design document presented by D. Nickull. The discussion then turned to the charter of the group. One of the major issues was the perceived overlap with the various other groups, especially the Technical Coordination group. It was finally decided that we should define our role first. It was also decided that the group representative will bring up the issue to the steering committee. Some more documents were presented: www.walkaboutwebs.com/ebxml/architectural_design.html (this document will be available soon on the private ebxml website) www.bizcodes.org/eDTD/xml_eDTDWP.htm (this document was declared to be not too relevant to the discussio, but noted anyway). There were questions about subscribing to the list server. It was agreed that everybody on the group should subscribe. Since we are not sure that the form on the ebxml site is functioning properly, here are the instructions for direct subscription to the list. Send email to: majordomo@lists.oasis-open.org In the body of the message include the following lines: subscribe ebxml-architecture subscribe [any other list you want] end Discussed liaisons with other groups, and external liaisons. Liaison with other groups will: 1. provide a minimum of monthly reports on activites, more as needed. 2. subscribe to the list server of their liaison group. 3. inform the chair of their liaison group. Adjourn for lunch, Anders to go to the steering committee meeting. Presentation (with Q&A session) on eCo framework by Bob Glushko. Results from Anders' meeting: 1. we need to decide on the key issues for our group. 2. we need to provide a list of deliverables, with milestones and dates. 3. optionally, any message for the maketing group. 4. by the end of day, our version and vision of "What is ebXML". 5. after each day, a brief summary of what was accomplished during the day's meeting 6. the Requirements group has been invited to meet with the T.A. group. Continued with the angenda. The following liaison persons were appointed: [Apologies for missing this part - I can't seem to find the paper on which I documented the results. Would the various liaisons please get in touch with me so I can update this document?] ebXML Requirements Business Process Methodology Core Components Transport/Routing and Packaging Registry and Repository Technical Coordination & Support Marketing, Awareness & Education As external liaison, it was decided to investigate the W3C and the ANSI X9D groups. Cross-team meetings: decided that each group liaison will coordinate the meeting with their appropriate group. New business: L. Lundquist brought up the issue of risk management. This issue was brought up to her by a ebXML participant. During the eCo discussion, C. Fenton mentioned that IBM had just announced tpaML. T. Boubez offered to invite a representative from the tpaML group for a presentation. (S. Hinkerlman pointed out that the tpaML annoucement and documentation can be found on the OASIS website). Both new business topics were tabled for future discussion. Long and interesting discussion on "What is ebXML". The discussion involved everything from "what is architecture" to "can we get semantics out of XML", among other topics. The final result will be contained in another document. Adjourned for the day. -- Toufic Toufic I. Boubez, Ph.D. Technologist, Emerging Technologies, XML and Java Strategy boubez@us.ibm.com - office: (919) 254-2195 TL 444-2195 - pager: (888) 358-4434
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