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Message text written by Rob Weltman > David, The starting point for this particular thread was that it is not worth defining ebXML messages using XML Schema (at this time) because there are no tools (among other reasons), while there are tools for defining and using DTDs. It may well be (for other reasons, primarily the changing definition of XML Schema) that it it not appropriate to use XML Schema for ebXML definitions now. I was just pointing out that the tools are in the process of being developed (and initial implementations are available). Also, XML Schema is a lot easier to process (besides being richer) than DTD because it's XML itself, so you can leverage your existing tools for parsing and processing XML. Rob <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Ok - at last we agree on something! Care should be exercised in that phrase "XML Schema is a lot easier to process" - don;t ever tell me you are making it easier for the machine as a business justification.... and tougher for the human <g>. Anyway - I think we're done with all this bit of bandwidth. The point was that there are some techies out there creating things that people can review - and that's useful. I'll stop now scoring too many cheap points off the fact that the implementation may or may not meet my lofty demands <g>. I think we need to get back on track to the ebXML issues here. Thanks, DW.
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