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Subject: Liaison Report - Business Process
In an attempt to help us prepare and expedite the liaison portion of the conference call, the following points will be raised concerning the current status of the Business Process Project Team. (hopefully, this will allow for more time for discussion on the current technical architecture draft document): 1. A Meta-model Development Plan is being established in preparation for an April 3-5, 2000 Workshop in Seattle, WA. Possibly, Corey C. will be attending! 2. The first meta-model being described and developed is a business process used to explain the process of registration into the repository as well something used by registrants to register their old model in some type of a meta-structure 3. The group is slightly concerned about their scope and wonder if it is possibly that work is being overlapped with other project teams. They view their closest working relationships with the Core Components and the Registry & Repository Group Project Teams. 4. The OAG Vendor Challenge is being discussed as an example of something that could eventually be compared to the meta-model created by the project teams. Regards, Melanie
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