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ebxml-architecture message

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Subject: RE: Architecture Comments

John, I am not in agreement with the "spider walk" document.  The
discussions in ebxml reg-rep have been primarily focused on a
publish/subscribe model, in which a repository "publishes" metadata
information as a result of some "event" that occurs.  The registry receives
the repository event message with a URI embedded within it that points to a
repository generated metadata document that the registry knows how to parse,
insert/update, and index into its data store.  

Complex searching is performed on the registry not the repository.  The
registry contains a highly relevant subset of classified metadata
information (defining this is the challenge) of the repository contents.
When you find the information in the registry you are looking for, the
registry provides the URI to the precise entry in repository, and perhaps
other related information.  This approach will allow the system to scale.  

Specifically, an organization may be responsible for a given specification
or UML model. This type of spec/model development work is done within a
repository based environment (MS Repository, UREP, Oracle Repository, or
even a filesystem based environment like CVS, etc.).  I also envision two
distinct types of repositories; 1) one that holds specifications, and 2) one
that holds semantic mappings between specifications.  Perhaps they could be
one in the same...

There can be many registries and many repositories, and vertical industry
groups may wish to host their own and subscribe to others of interest,
particularily due to interdependencies between vertical domains.  Perhaps
there may even be a registry of registries, but I think traditional sites
like Yahoo can take care of that for us.

Currently the ebxml reg-rep project team has the work-in-progress UML model
of this at:


It is not complete, but you are welcome to contribute to the effort.  And if
you are discussing the architecture of reg-rep, please also post to the
reg-rep listserv.  



-----Original Message-----
From: Petit, John [mailto:jpetit@kpmg.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 7:06 AM
To: 'Duane Nickull'; ebXML-Architecture@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Architecture Comments

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