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Subject: Re: FW: Conversations, or BP alignment with TR&P and Architecture

On Mon, 3 Jul 2000 16:45:54 -0400, you wrote:

>You being Australian and all I would have thought that bottom-up 
>and top-down are purely relative!!!

..but to see a tree from a top-down perspective it *needs* 
to be growing  upsidedown!


>p.s. I have one of those Globes too with the Antipodes in the
>correct spatial orientation position.
>Message text written by Robert Dakin
>>The layer we are focused on right now is the data element layer.  The
>>transactional layer is built upon that.
>Is this a good idea?  I would have thought that requirements for 
>the data element layer should emerge from the transactional 
>layer.  Whatever happened to top down design?
>My .02 worth.
>Robert Dakin<
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Dr Robert Dakin
Dakin Technology
Home page:   http://www.pcug.org.au/~daktec/
Tel: +61 2 6255 1436  Fax: +61 2 6255 1304

= This is ebxml-architecture, the general mailing list for the ebXML  =
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= owner-ebxml-architecture@oasis-open.org                             =
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