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Subject: RE: Comments on ebXML-V_0.7
-----Original Message-----
From: Petit, John [mailto:jpetit@kpmg.com]
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 3:10 PM
To: Duane Nickull
Cc: ebXML-arch List
Subject: Comments on ebXML-V_0.7Some of these line reference numbers may be slightly off.Line 417: A repository and registry shall synchronize their contents with one another in a symbiotic “publish/subscribe” relationship.Can we expand on this by adding "This is a synchronization of pointers from the Registry to the Repository. Not a synchronization of content data."Line 512: A component library also facilitates the development of software components.Why is this under repository object definition? If it does, the relationship needs to be better explained (or at least link to the Reg/Rep document that does).Should also add a line in this section that states " Repository objects can have associated binary files (gifs, movs, picts, etc.)." Although this is assured by the XML specification docs to which repository object follow, I think that it should be mentioned so that developers know that catalogs of binary objects can be part of the ebXML repository (if only by association).Line 555: At the stage a new submission is received, it shall be examined by the Repository Authority who shall have a mandate to avoid duplication of atomic data elements.Is the mechanics of how duplication of atomic data elements can be avoided described elsewhere?I suggest that we move Repository object up to 2.2.6 thru 2.2.9 up under 2.2.2. In this way, we get the registry/repository decriptions done before we start to discuss the interactions between them.Line 584: Figure 2.2.1 In the above example, Party 1 has attributes which can be extracted and labelled as data elements (repository objects).This is confusing. You mean “additional repository objects.” The way the sentence is structured now, it seems as though you are saying that only data elements are repository objects.Line 628: It is to be used by the Query mechanism to locate the repository data element.You seem to be saying that there would be a unique ID at the data CONTENT, or value, level. I do not believe that you are saying that in a XML phone book, each unique phone number would also have a unique identifier. Rather we should be saying that the data element definition (at the DTD or Schema level) would have a unique id. Otherwhise there would be tremendous data bloat. This is illustrated by the following example. Here the values are changed but the schema level IDs remain the same.
Billy Bob’s Rock House
5492 Endover Rd.
Los Angeles
The idea needs to be stated more accurately (perhaps using an illustration similar to above).Also, lets coordinate of re-doing the graphics BEFORE the next meeting. It will not take that long, and will make the document much more professional looking.
Cheers, John Petit
XMLfs Team
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