ebxml-architecture message

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Subject: Tr: Modeling Technique for ebXML


----- Original Message -----
From: Klaus-Dieter Naujok <knaujok@pacbell.net>
To: ebxml-stc <ebxml-stc@lists.ebxml.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 11:33 PM
Subject: Modeling Technique for ebXML

> Dear StC members,
> One topic that was passed by the StC to the Executive committee was the
issue about UML being the selected
> model technique for ebXML.
> The executive committee reviewed the topic and agreed that UML will be the
only modeling technique used
> for our Business process models. Please review your current drafts under
development in order to refer to
> UML were appropriate.
> Regards,
> Klaus
> --
> Klaus-Dieter Naujok                                ebXML Chair
> Antioch, CA USA                                +1.925.759.1670
> PGP Finger: 6A4B 1683 CD99 E7BE F855  CC2F 4569 6BD8 76BD 1117

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