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ebxml-architecture message

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Subject: Re: Conference Call

I may be unable to attend the next three meetings due to the fact I will
be airborn during the call times.  I will communicate everything I wish
to express to Brian E. who will act as my proxy.

We should also step up activity on this list once the new version hits
the streets


"agrangard@nycall.com" wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> The conference calls for the TechArch PT until the Tokyo meeting, as agreed
> at the San Jose meeting. Melanie, can you set it up?
> Date      Duane Time     Anders Time     Melanie Time
> Sept 7         8:00 am        17:00           11:00 a.m.
> Sept 21       8:00 am        17:00           11:00 a.m.
> Oct 5           8:00 am        17:00           11:00 a.m.
> Oct 19         8:00 am        17:00           11:00 a.m.
> Kind regards
> Anders Grangard

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