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Subject: RE: Hilarous but sad W3C questions!
Message text written by "Munter, Joel D" > David, It is elitist comments like yours below that will drive good people and good ideas away from ebXML. I have heard on separate occasions from separate sources that ebXML has a "not invented here" attitude. With your comments below, I hear that echoing loudly. Please refrain from negative comments like that. < >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joel, You are reading totally the wrong read into this - because you want to see that based on your assertions that we're getting a bad rap and I'm the cause! My whole point is that we have seen a total LACK of coordination here. I've been hearing lip service paid to 'yes - the W3C is working with us, blah, blah'. I'm entitled to feel that the real work in this area has been through individuals on the ebXML working groups who also happen to be on the W3C WG's. The W3C has been steadfastly ignoring these tough questions for many months, because that way they don't exist. Now what are they going to do? Will they provide FAQ's on the intended scope of Schema and what you should and should not be doing with it? The PR machine is touting schema as a panacea for all information exchanges. Nobody wants to hear the reality check. Yes it is damned sad that we have to be treated this way and that the techies have to find ways around the politics and the intrigue. Frankly you're shooting the messenger here. DW.
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