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ebxml-awareness message

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Subject: Re: Ebxml, Biztalk et al

The article I referred Steven Livingstone to, "Schema Repositories:
What's at Stake?," by Liora Alschuler (Jan. 26, 2000), comparing OASIS'
XML.ORG and BizTalk repositories in Part I, then comparing the BizTalk
and ebXML frameworks in Part II: The Business of Business Schemas, at
http://www.xml.com/pub/2000/01/26/feature/index.html, is mostly
concerned with the transport and routing layer.

Subsequently, Philippe De Smedt said they discussed this at the TR&P
meeting in Boston last week.  It seems Livingstone is mostly interested
in the transport layer - things like XMLRPC, SOAP, DSML, BizTalk - which
is definitely the purview of TR&P (I'm anxious to see how they dispose
of SOAP).

In any case, RosettaNet has made clear, most recently at the last
EConcert meeting in Chicago, that they're not really interested in doing
TR&P layer stuff (e.g., RNIF), and future RN work will probably use the
ebXML TR&P - one of best pieces of news we could possibly hear.

We should welcome Steven Livingstone to address his questions to
ebXML-Transport@lists.ebxml.org if he's concerned mostly with the
transport layer; otherwise, if Livingstone is looking at the big picture
of XML B2B frameworks (e.g., ebXML vis-a-vis RosettaNet, cXML, xCBL,
etc.)  I think Rachel's suggestion that perhaps we in Awareness should
take this on is good, and we should encourage him to bounce questions
to Awareness at ebxml-awareness@lists.ebxml.org, and/or Architecture.

William J. Kammerer
4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy.
Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305
+1 614 791-1600

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-----Original Message-----
From: Rachel Foerster <rachelf@ix.netcom.com>
To: ebXML Marketing Awareness Education (E-mail)
Cc: 'Steven Livingstone' <s.livingstone@btinternet.com>;
Date: Saturday, July 15, 2000 11:43 AM
Subject: RE: Ebxml, Biztalk et al

Marketing team,

This is an interesting request. Is this a task the Marketing Team could
and/or should take on? Pros/cons?


-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Livingstone [mailto:s.livingstone@btinternet.com]
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 6:41 PM
To: ebXML-architecture@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Ebxml, Biztalk et al

I hope this is the correct list for this question.

I am looking for a paper reviewing the similarities and differences,
pros and cons between Ebxml and similar initiatives, BizTalk in

Any views from this list would also be appreciated !


Author and Reviewer,
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