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Subject: The feeding frenzy on ebXML continues...
Dick Brooks just a few minutes ago eloquently responded on behalf of ebXML to Meta Group vice president Will Zachmann, who was quoted to have said "Microsoft's story on this (XML) front is much more coherent than any other companies have to offer. ...The only real alternative to BizTalk is, ebXML and it's lame. It's just Sun and a bunch of bureaucrats backing it." See "Microsoft, Sun in new clash: Arch rivals square off, this time on the standards front. Call it the XML Holy Wars redux," by Mary Jo Foley, ZDNet News, December 12, 2000, at http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2663888,00.html. Dick's e-mail is copied in the Transport mailing list archive at http://lists.ebxml.org/archives/ebxml-transport/200012/msg00195.html. Unfortunately, the quote has emboldened other critics, and the feeding frenzy on ebXML continues: see "XML factions develop along familiar lines," by Margret Johnston in InfoWorld, Friday, Dec. 15, 2000, at http://www.infoworld.com/news/thisweek.html, where Dave Wascha, Microsoft's product manager for BizTalk Server 2000 "accused Palo Alto, Calif.-based Sun of hyping ebXML before it is final and said that Microsoft doesn't have a position on ebXML because 'the spec isn't even done.' He added that he and his colleagues at Microsoft refer to ebXML as 'slideware,' meaning they believe it exists only on presentation slides." I resent Wascha's purported (I hardly ever believe the press, so I'm willing to give Wascha the benefit of the doubt - perhaps Infoworld put words in his mouth) slur on ebXML. I think its a hurtful slam of my good and dear friend, David RR Webber. And besides, "slideware" is a trademark owned by Columbus' own beloved White Castle hamburger chain, "home of the Slyders�," at http://www.whitecastle.com/home.asp. William J. Kammerer FORESIGHT Corp. 4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy. Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305 +1 614 791-1600 Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at http://www.foresightcorp.com/ "Commerce for a New World"
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