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ebxml-awareness message

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Subject: RE: XML-based retail applications moving closer to reality

ARTS/NRF is predominately a domestic US retail industry interest group, as
are VICS and UCC. I am over-simplifying their 'claims to fame' but NRF is
very well known for their product color standards. VICS is known for their
X.12 EDI standard implementation guides, and UCC is the secretariat for

I'm wondering if what you propose will be practical on the short term; like
London ? 
The IXRetail material should be first checked to see if they are compliant
with ebXML Core Components principals as well as ebXML Business
Processes/UMM metamodel principals compliant. In fact why should ebXML be
demonstrating any future proof's of business concepts that don't encompass
and promote the "top core component/business process layers" of ebXML itself
Secondly IXRetail seems to mainly apply to brick&mortar American retail
stores, and with GCI being global and just endorsing ebXML ..... London
ENGLAND or another non-US location might not be "culturally too cool".  

Dave Welsh

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark A. Hale [mailto:mark.hale@interwoven.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 9:33 AM
> To: ebXML Awareness
> Subject: FW: XML-based retail applications moving closer to reality
> Does anyone know the retail group (ARTS) and is possible to 
> collaborate with
> Microsoft and ARTS to do a joint demonstration with what 
> ebXML has done?
> 	Thanks,
> 	Mark
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mark A. Hale [mailto:mark.hale@interwoven.com]
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 9:31 AM
> > To: ebXML Awareness
> > Subject: XML-based retail applications moving closer to reality
> >
> >
> > I see that Microsoft is demonstrating in the retail 
> industry as well.
> >
> > "XML-based retail applications moving closer to reality"
> >
> > 	http://www.idg.net/crd_xml_363408_102.html
> >
> > 	Thanks,
> >
> > 	Mark
> >

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