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Carol, et al. Covisint today had a release supporting ebXML. See http://www.covisint.com/info/pr/ebxml.shtml . Best regards. Alan Kotok AlanKotok@cs.com http://www.technewslit.com/ Editor, Techno-Politics: http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/us_techno_politics Carol Geyer <carol.geyer@oasis-open.org> wrote: >ebXML Marketing Project Team, >As you are probably aware, we're working to update the ebXML >endorsements page on the website. We particularly want to get quotes >from the major industry groups and standards bodies out there. Tomorrow, >we'll be posting new quotes from: > >eBES >e centreUK >Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce >Open Applications Group >RosettaNet > >(as well as vendors who have sent in quotes) > >If any of you represent or have connections with other influential >industry groups or standards bodies, please do what you can to get more >quotes. > >Many thanks, >Carol > >-----Original Message----- >From: Carol Geyer [mailto:carol.geyer@oasis-open.org] >Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 3:46 PM >To: ebxml-poc-pr@lists.ebxml.org >Subject: FW: ebXML ENDORSEMENTS > > > >ebXML Supporters: >Now that ebXML has been approved, we need to update the website's >endorsement page, http://www.ebxml.org/endorsements.htm, to showcase our >accomplishments and implementation plans. Most of the quotes there were >written when the initiative first began, and they will be deleted on 30 >May. > >Editors and potential users continually ask which industry groups and >products support ebXML. We'll be pointing people to >http://www.ebxml.org/endorsements.htm for answers, so posting a quote >there is a great way to be recognized for your work on ebXML. > >Any organization may submit an endorsement--you do not need to be a >member of UN/CEFACT or OASIS. Just email your submission to >carol.geyer@oasis-open.org. Be sure to include: > >1. Quote. The content should focus on your organization's specific plans >to implement, integrate or use ebXML. Vendors are encouraged to mention >ebXML-compliant products by name. Quotes should provide factual >information and avoid the use of excessive hyperbole or unsubstantiated >claims, e.g., "the world's greatest ebXML product". Quotes must be >limited to one paragraph of 150 words or less. > >2. Name and title to whom the quote should be attributed. > >3. URL for your organization. > >4. Category of your organization: >a) Industry Groups and Standards Bodies >b) Vendors >c) Users > >Remember that the "We Support ebXML" logo is available on >http://www.ebxml.org/project_teams/marketing/marketing.htm. Everyone is >encouraged to promote their support by displaying the logo on their >websites, product packaging and promotional materials. > > >Thanks for your support. >Carol > >____________________________________________ >Carol Geyer >Director of Communications >OASIS >carol.geyer@oasis-open.org > > > > >------------------------------------------------------------------ >To unsubscribe from this elist send a message with the single word >"unsubscribe" in the body to: ebxml-awareness-request@lists.ebxml.org >
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