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Subject: RE: Proposed BP PT comments on Requirements

I for one have no problem with expanding the scope to include app-to-app
within an enterprise.  ebXML is not about providing specific solutions, it
is about providing an XML-based foundation upon which such solutions can be
built.  By my reckoning, that foundation is as applicable to the internal
app-to-app problem as it is to the external app-to-app problem we call B2B.

       Bob Miller

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Haugen [mailto:linkage@interaccess.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 7:28 AM
To: ebXML-BP@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: Proposed BP PT comments on Requirements

Paul Levine wrote:
>I have taken the opportunity to propose a few other
>revisions that specifically include within the ebXML scope app-to-app
>applications of XML within an enterprise.  This is very important for large
>enterprises that have networks of operations support systems that have to

Why duplicate what the OAG is doing in this space?
Is there anything wrong with their efforts?
Is there any real confusion about the generally-accepted
app-to-app standards org?  (Anything like the obvious confusion
about B2B standards?)
What do you think this will do to the scope of ebXML?
Won't it require expanding to include everything in the
OAG standards and then some?

As you can tell, I am resistant to an expansion of scope,
but do not want to misunderstand your proposal.
Can you explain more about why you are proposing it?
And maybe more of the scope of your intention?
(For example, if all you mean is party-to-party dealings within 
an enterprise, where "parties" are different business units, and 
the same ebXML B2B standards can be used, then my objections
do not hold.  But if you mean any and all internal apps, and
all their integration requirements, I suspect it's a big expansion.)

Bob Haugen

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