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ebxml-bp message

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Subject: RE: Business Process Modeling Language (BPML)

I suppose any news is good news, but I don't see how internal
business processes are so different from external exchanges
that they can be developed in isolation from each other.

Have these  people had any contact with the ebXML 
business process team, and thus any serious intent 
to actually bridge any gaps between ebXML and
whatever they are working on?  (Not that I know of.)

Do they understand that the ebXML metamodel contains 
its own bridge to internal business processes?  If not,
how do they think they can interoperate according
to the intent of the ebXML design?

Moreover, for ebXML to collaborate with them (so that
their "standard" would have any chance to interoperate
according to the intent of the ebXML design) would
apparently require a fee of $2500.

I have no doubt that a business process modeling
language is required, but I am skeptical that theirs
will work with ebXML if they are ignoring our work.  

What am I missing?  Are any bpmi members lurking
here who could set me straight? 

Bob Haugen

-----Original Message-----
From:	William J. Kammerer [SMTP:wkammerer@foresightcorp.com]
Sent:	Sunday, August 20, 2000 8:17 PM
To:	ebXML Awareness; ebXML Business Process
Subject:	FYI: Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) - Honorable mention forebXML

What is BPML?

The Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) is an XML Schema that
provides a standard way to model mission-critical business processes.
BPML covers dimensions of business process modeling that are specific to
processes internal to the enterprise, including business rules, security
roles, distributed transactions, compensating transactions, and
exception handling. As such BPML bridges the gap between legacy IT
infrastructures and emerging business-to-business collaboration
protocols such as RosettaNet, BizTalk, and ebXML.

What is the relationship between BPMI.org and ebXML?

BPMI.org and ebXML are addressing complementary aspects of e-Business
process integration. While ebXML provides a standard way to manage
Collaborative Business Processes (CBP), BPMI.org focuses on the
modeling, deployment, and management of Enterprise Business Processes

See http://www.bpmi.org/faq.html.

William J. Kammerer
4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy.
Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305
+1 614 791-1600

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