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Subject: Re: BP DTD first draft and comments

I went to look at the DTD and it had a few technical errors.  I took the
liberty (I hope you don't mind) of correcting the errors.  I put comments
in the DTD to show where I made changes to the original.


Betty Harvey                         | Phone: 410-787-9200 FAX: 9830 
Electronic Commerce Connection, Inc. |        
harvey@eccnet.com                    | Washington,DC SGML/XML Users Grp
URL:  http://www.eccnet.com          | http://www.eccnet.com/xmlug/

On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, LONJON Antoine wrote:

> Dear team members,
> This is only a preliminary draft of the BP DTD. It only covers the BOV as it
> contains the main data we want to store in an ebXML repository.
> More can come if necessary. Especially, we are waiting the definition
> of BusinessDocument from the CC/BP team.
> Several comments on the current model:
> 1. The XML definition must be as simple as possible: corresponding documents
> will be interpreted by software.
> 2. Inheritance of association is a difficult to interpret and should be
> avoided as far as possible.
> 3. I have an issue with BusinessPartner and Functional role:
> If we want to define CommercialTransactions as independant elements,
> roles are then composite of CommercialTransactions.
> So, in the version, I did not take the Party element into account.
> 4. When you read the DTD, it apperas that the OjectflowState step to get to
> the document
> is unnecessary. It is only the consequence of using the ActivityDiagram
> metamodel.
> An example of overusing inheritance:
> CommercialTransactionActivity is a subtype of ActionState and
> BusinessCollaborationProtol is a subtype of ActivityGraph.
> What should we be using from the ActivityGraph to choreograph the
> CommercialTransactions in a BusinessCollaborationProtocol:
> SimpleTransition/Condition/fork/Branch, .....
> The inheritance relationship does not state anything about this. We do not
> want the DTD to cover all the ActivityGraph.
> I've made two proposals, one for the CommercialTransaction
> (CommercialTran.png) and the other one for BusinessCollaborationProtocol
> (BusinessCollProt.png) that express the BOV mapping into XML.
> The UML model shall be readden as follow:
> Each composition association leads to an ELEMENT in XML
> The other associations lead to ID/IDREF pairs.
> I will provide shortly an XSD version of the DTD.
> Antoine LONJON
> Chief Architect
> 33 1 42 75 40 30
> alonjon@mega.com
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- Eleminated extraneous characters. Added BusinessCollaborationProtocol to
     content model.  -->

<!ELEMENT CommercialTransaction (RequestActivity | RespondActivity | Role |

<!ATTLIST CommercialTransaction

          id ID #IMPLIED

          Name CDATA #REQUIRED

          IsSecuredTransportRequired CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!ELEMENT RequestActivity (RequestDoc)>

<!ATTLIST RequestActivity

          isAuthorizationRequired CDATA #REQUIRED

          isNonRepudiationRequired CDATA #REQUIRED

          timetoPerform CDATA #REQUIRED

          timetoAcknowledgeReceipt CDATA #REQUIRED

          timetoAcknowledgeAcceptance CDATA #REQUIRED

          retryCount CDATA #REQUIRED

          isNonRepudiationOfReceiptRequired CDATA #REQUIRED

          Name CDATA #REQUIRED

          Role IDREF #IMPLIED

          receivedDoc IDREF #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT RespondActivity (ResponseDoc)>

<!ATTLIST RespondActivity

          isAuthorizationRequired CDATA #REQUIRED

          isNonRepudiationRequired CDATA #REQUIRED

          timetoPerform CDATA #REQUIRED

          timetoAcknowledgeReceipt CDATA #REQUIRED

          timetoAcknowledgeAcceptance CDATA #REQUIRED

          isIntelligibleCheckRequired CDATA #REQUIRED

          Name CDATA #REQUIRED       

          Role IDREF #IMPLIED

          receivedDoc IDREF #IMPLIED>

<!-- Corrected the EMPTY Declaration -->



          Name CDATA #REQUIRED

          id ID #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT RequestDoc (Document)>

<!ELEMENT ResponseDoc (Document)>

<!-- Corrected the EMPTY Declaration -->


<!ATTLIST Document

          Name CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!ELEMENT BusinessCollaborationProtocol (Activity*)>

<!ATTLIST BusinessCollaborationProtocol

          Name CDATA #REQUIRED

          Initial IDREFS #IMPLIED>

<!-- Added the element name 'Activity' to the ATTLIST

<!ELEMENT Activity (SimpleTransistion)>

<!ATTLIST Activity
          Name CDATA #REQUIRED

          isConcurrent CDATA #REQUIRED

          timeToPerform CDATA #REQUIRED

          id ID #IMPLIED

          CommercialTransaction IDREFS #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT SimpleTransistion (Guard*)>

<!ATTLIST SimpleTransistion

          Name CDATA #REQUIRED

          TargetActivity IDREFS #IMPLIED>

<!-- Corrected the EMPTY Declaration -->



          Name CDATA #REQUIRED

          Expression CDATA #REQUIRED> 

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