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Subject: Re: security and timing parameters
sorry to bother you BUT could you tell me how to de-register from this XML work group Karsten Riemer <Karsten.Riemer@Eas To: ebxml-bp@lists.ebxml.org t.Sun.COM> cc: cory-c@dataaccess.com Subject: security and timing parameters 28/12/2000 17:55 Please respond to Karsten Riemer This is mostly an update to the folks actively finalizing the BP metamodel spec due to QR on 1/3/2001, so feel free to delete: Placement of timing and security parameters. We have decided that none of the timing and security parameters go above the transaction level, i.e. we have decided not to have any timing and security defaults at the collaboration level. That leaves just BusinessTransactionActivity, BusinessTransaction, RequestingBusinessActivity, and RespondingBusinessActivity, and InformationEntity as possible carriers of the parameters. Jim's original model has parameters at the BusinessActivity class, too, but we are doing away with that as a superclass, therefore those parameters are distributed into the reuesting and responding activities. Working from Jim's structure class diagram, on page 17 of current (v0.82) specification document here's the distribution: BusinessTransactionActivity: TimeToPerform IsConcurrent BusinessTransaction: isSecureTransportRequired isReliableTransportRequired (not on Jim's picture but we agreed to put it in) RequestingBusinessActivity: IsAuthorizationRequired (from BusinessActivity superclass) isNonRepudiationRequired (from BusinessActivity superclass) TimeToPerform (from BusinessActivity superclass) isNonRepudiationOfReceiptRequired NOTE: I am not putting timeToAcknowledgeReceipt and timeToAcknowledgeAcceptance into RequestingBusinessActivity even though they were in the BusinessActivity superclass. They are only relevant to the responding activity. I actually think TimeToPerform is not relevent to the requestor either, but leaving it here for now. RespondingBusinessActivity: IsAuthorizationRequired (from BusinessActivity superclass) isNonRepudiationRequired (from BusinessActivity superclass) TimeToPerform (from BusinessActivity superclass) IsIntelligibleCheckRequired timeToAcknowledgeReceipt (from BusinessActivity superclass) timeToAcknowledgeAcceptance (from BusinessActivity superclass) InformationEntity: (or whatever this is called in our final information model) IsConfidential IsTamperProof IsAuthenticated
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