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Subject: RE: more on collaborations, contracts and 2-27 minutes
-----Original Message-----
From: Welsh, David [mailto:David.Welsh@nordstrom.com]
Sent: 06 March 2001 15:45
To: 'stefano.pogliani@sun.com'; James Bryce Clark
Cc: ebxml-bp@lists.ebxml.org; Karsten.Riemer@east.sun.com; linkage@interaccess.com; sharma@netfish.com; Dale_Moberg@stercomm.com; duane@xmlglobal.com
Subject: RE: more on collaborations, contracts and 2-27 minutesStefano,There's probably a few different use cases for 'sequential counting' , but one of them that is really a sort of 'crude EDI 101' is where one company's applications (in a binary relationship) try's to do a reasonable business control by itself to look for sequential number sequencing from the sender's applications; cause who say's it's a perfect world.I've regularily seen this type of thing happen often, especially in situations as an example where a warehouse is sending a logistics planning system it inventory database adjustments (increment/decrement on-hand) and to make sure the systems are in as much sync as possible the receiver application itself imposes sequential numbering on the sender application itself.If those inventory adjust records get inadvertantly posted (just once) in the wrong order at the receivers end then literally "millions of dollars of damage" can occur; and it ain't easy to undo (trust me if you've ever dealt with company auditors).I think you're right there needs to be "a correct sequencing" service going on by a "middleware" as the 'transactions come flying by' but middleware usually can't determine the complete correct logical context of a transaction being sent, before it's posted at the receivers side in it's database, so we sometimes have to help the receiver applications.Dave-----Original Message-----
From: Stefano POGLIANI [mailto:stefano.pogliani@sun.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 1:16 AM
To: James Bryce Clark; Welsh, David
Cc: ebxml-bp@lists.ebxml.org; Karsten.Riemer@east.sun.com; linkage@interaccess.com; sharma@netfish.com; Dale_Moberg@stercomm.com; duane@xmlglobal.com
Subject: RE: more on collaborations, contracts and 2-27 minutesHope not to miss the point completely.... in which case I apologize.The verification of the correct sequencing should be done by the middleware (the infamous BSI) which should be configured out of the content of the CPA (which, in turn, references the Collaboration choreography specified by the BP)./stefano-----Original Message-----Dave asks for confirmation that something in ebXML can tag and count messages sequentially, so as to enable crossreferencing, detection of blips arriving out of sequence, and the like:
From: James Bryce Clark [mailto:jbc@lawyer.com]
Sent: 05 March 2001 22:05
To: Welsh, David
Cc: 'James Bryce Clark'; ebxml-bp@lists.ebxml.org; Karsten.Riemer@east.sun.com; linkage@interaccess.com; sharma@netfish.com; Dale_Moberg@stercomm.com; duane@xmlglobal.com
Subject: RE: more on collaborations, contracts and 2-27 minutes
"I can understand that at a lower level TRP service, there's something dealing with 'message counting' but I'm not aware that something like this info finds it's way up the stack so the business app's can also do their counting; which does sound like redundant but it is the way of the world and as such it's not going to stop. "
In our "simple negotiation pattern" test, we also noted that messages need to be able to cross reference each other, and sought confirmation of some kind of unique message ID.
Good questions. I don't know the answer. Can we do that? Goes on my list for tomorrow's metamodel meeting. Jamie
James Bryce Clark
Spolin Silverman & Cohen LLP
310 586 2404 jbc@lawyer.com
James Bryce ClarkSpolin Silverman & Cohen LLP310 586 2404 jbc@lawyer.com
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