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Subject: BP Vienna PoC Project Plan - April 13th

Update to the project plan for the BP-PoC team deliverables and dependent
items in the Vienna PoC.  This is based on version 0.56 of the PoC
specification.  Everything is negotiable; but, lets get a general
understanding ASAP so proper expectations can be set for the PoC. Also, it
is based on some assumptions on what will be done in the PoC (which will
hopefully be detailed at next weeks PoC face-to-face).

NOTE 1: This is the project plan for PoC team members focusing on Business
Process and other concepts key to the ebXML Business Process project team.
In many cases these team members will also be Business Process project team

NOTE 2: I fully expect, at some time in the very near future, that this
project plan will be rolled up into some greater project plan. I expect that
Sid Askary will likely coordinate.

NOTE 3: 3 Weeks to Vienna.

Item: Business Process Editor
*	Description: 
	The results of business process analysis can be captured and modeled
using a forms-based editor or using a diagram based modeling tool.  The
"Business Process Editor" is (by our definition) the forms-based editor.
The business process editor was demostrated by Nita Sharma of Netfish/Iona
at the Vancouver at the lunch-and-learn.  The diagram based modeling tool is
was demonstrated by Antoine of MEGA International at X12 Seattle.
*	Basic Functionality:  
	A business process editor SHOULD be able to connect to a business
library to retrieve and submit business process specifications (and business
collaboration specifications and business transaction specifications).  A
business process editor MAY be configured with a local repository of
"out-of-the-box" specifications.  A business process editor SHALL allow a
user to create new business process/collaboration/transaction specifications
and SHALL allow a user to modify an existing one.
*	PoC Lead(s): Nita Sharma
*	Team members: 
*	Integration Availability Date: TBD  (need to integrate with the
reg/rep implementation)
*	General Availablity Date: TBD
*	Dependent On: 
	*	DO1: Registry/Repository implementation
	*	DO2: Business rocess specifications.
*	Dependent To:
	*	DT1: CPP and CPP
*	Issues:
	*	I1: Availability of reg/rep implementation
	*	I2: Development resources for the forms-based BP Editor
	*	I3: Reg/Rep metamodel for BP artificats
	*	I3: Availablity of business process specifications
	*	I4: What are the rules about the software?  E.g. The Tokyo
was distributed on CD in Vancouver.
*	Assumptions: None

Item: Business Process Modeling Tool
*	Description:
	A tool for modeling business processes and capturing business
process analysis.  This tool would likely provide more capabilities than the
Business Process Editor but is meant for a different audience.
*	Basic Functionality:
	See Business Process Editor.
*	PoC Lead(s): Antoine Lonjon
*	Team members: 
*	Integration Availability Date: TBD  (need to integrate with the
reg/rep implementation)
*	General Availablity Date: TBD
*	Dependent On: 
	*	DO1: Registry/Repository implementation
	*	DO2: Business rocess specifications.
*	Dependent To:
	*	DT1: CPP and CPP
*	Issues:
	*	I1: Availability of reg/rep implementation
	*	I2: Reg/Rep metamodel for BP artificats
	*	I3: Availablity of business process specifications
	*	I4: What are the rules about the software?  E.g. The Tokyo
was distributed on CD in Vancouver.
*	Assumptions: None

Item: Document Specification Editor
*	Description:
	A tool that allows for worksheet based creation/editing of business
document specifications.
	The Business Process Modeling Tool may be able to provide this
*	Basic Functionality:
	A business document editor SHOULD be able to connect to a business
library to retrieve and submit business document, business object, and
domain components, and core component specifications.  A business document
editor MAY be configured with a local repository of "out-of-the-box"
specifications.  A business document editor SHALL allow a user to create new
business documents, business objects, and domain component specifications
and SHALL allow a user to modify an existing one.  A business document
editor SHOULD take into account contextual context values obtained from
business process specifications.
*	PoC Lead(s): TBD
*	Integration Availability Date: TBD  (need to integrate with the
reg/rep implementation)
*	General Availablity Date: TBD
*	Dependent On: 
	*	DO1: Registry/Repository implementation
	*	DO2: Business rocess specifications.
	*	DO3: Core Component specifications.
*	Dependent To:
	*	DT1: TBD
*	Issues:
	*	I1: Who is responsible for this?  BP or CC team?  (Brian: I
believe CC-PoC folks will provide this.)
	*	I2: Do we want this type of editor, or a drag-n-drop diagram
based editor, or do we want a simple schema editor? or all three?
	*	I3: Who is going to provide the schemas for the business
*	Assumptions: TBD
*	Action:
	*	A1: Brian to contact Lisa Shreve re CC teams participation
in the PoC.

Item: Drop-Ship Business Process Specification
*	Description:
	Assume that we can extend what we have already created -- See
section 8.4 (?) in the Catalog document.
*	Basic Functionality:
*	PoC Lead: David Welsh
*	Team members: Bob Haugen, others interested in modeling
*	Integration Availability Date: TBD (needed by Business Process
*	General Availability Date: TBD
*	Dependent On:
	*	DO1: Analysis Worksheets
	*	DO2: Core Components
*	Dependent To:
	*	DT1: Business Process Editor
	*	DT2: CPP and CPA
	*	DT3: Core Components
*	Issues:
	*	I1: When will it be available?
*	Assumptions: None
*	Actions:
	*	A1: Nita to contact Dave Welsh to get effort going.
	*	A2: Brian to confirm with PoC team what they expect.

Item: ebXML Business Process Specification Schema
*	Lead: Karsten Riemer
*	Integration Availability Date: TBD (needed by Business Process
*	General Availability Date: April 23, 2001 (based on ebXML document
*	Dependent To:
	*	DT1: Business Process Editors
	*	DT1: CPP and CPA ?
*	Issues:
	*	I1: Completetion of Schema
*	Assumptions: None

Item: CPA Transaction Application / CPA Editor
*	Description:
	An application that allows for the creation and editing of CPAs and
the exchange (negotiation) of CPAs between 
*	PoC Lead(s): ???
*	Issues:
	*	I1: Who is going to provide the CPA Transaction Application
/ CPA Editor?

Item: Registry/Repository
*	Description:
	The Registry/Repository is used to store business libraries and the
Core [Component] Library.  A business library contains business process
specificaitons, the business process cross-reference described in the ebXML
Catalog of Common Business Processes, and 
*	PoC Lead(s): ???
*	Dependent To:
	*	DT1: Business Process Editor
	*	DT2: Business Process Modeling Tool
	*	DT3: CPP

PoC Questions:
	*	When will the Reg/Rep software be available?  We will need
it before the PoC so we can test integration with it.
	*	Who is going to provide the CPA Transaction Application /
CPA Editor?
	*	What does PoC team expect for the business process
specfication (completeness) and by when?
	*	What is expected in terms of document and core component

Brian Hayes
Commerce One. +1 (925) 520-4498

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