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Subject: Re: eBTWG BPSS Project Proposal

Cory Casanave:
> I think I need to disagree with you, while lending support.

I'm happy to have the support, but I'm not sure what you
are disagreeing with.  Let's explore a little, maybe we
don't disagree...

> What we
> have in BPSS now - choreographed long-term interactions of business
> documents, is beyond what other standards are offering and more than most
> people expect.  "monitored commitments  [] enabling business users to
> business processes declaratively.  " goes well beyond this and into areas
> that do not have a wide experience base.

If you look at the tentative plan I just posted, you will see that
it calls for starting with examples of business practices and
then goes into defining business requirements and harvesting
patterns from the examples.

If you think of the patterns as patterns of business practices
rather than software design patterns, I contend that the practices
in this area are very well defined and well known.

Likewise I would contend that the business requirements
have a wide experience base.

I would agree that the translation to runtime B2B ecommerce
software does not have a wide experience base.

> So I suggest we endorse the direction but keep it "loosely
> coupled" with the other work so that it may proceed at its own rate.

Suits me.

-Bob Haugen

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