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Subject: RE: Very tentative plan for ebTWG Commitments project


	Good ideas. I support this model. My observations in <KS> tag.


  |1. Gather business examples.
  |Don't worry about form.  Text is ok.  Any diagram style.
  |Basically, get examples in whatever form they are in now.
  |Make it easy.
Agreed. This is kind of the domain analysis, here our domain is the whole
business process !
It is very important *not* to be judgmental during this activity. Forms can
be converted, duplicates could be eliminated, ...
  |5. Implement the UMM model using one or more
  |runtime choreography.  This is where I think that
  |the Commitments project meets the BPSS and
  |BSI and other related projects.
Does "implement" mean prototyping ? If not, I would suggest a prototyping
activity to reconcile the theory and practice.
  |6. Get one or more software vendor to do a
  |runtime version.  The test cases should be ready.
Would prefer the more - at least 2 or 3.
  |Make sense?
<KS> Yep </KS>

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