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Subject: Let get going!
I'm sorry, but as I am sure you are aware by now, there have been a few problems with the ebXML website. So getting us back on track has been a little challenging. But, the tools are in place and we are ready to proceed. I captured/summarized the major things that we did on Thursday and Friday and will send it as an attachment to this correspondence. But what I would like to try to do is ask that we as a group continue to expand each of the blocks that we identified with the list of key components within that block. Then for each item within that list, we will need to further refine it to include: a brief description, an example, 'contains', representation class. Possibly we would want to create a separate excel spreadsheet for each block. We also need to continue to maintain the spreadsheet that had been originally asked for by Core Components leadership. So, I would like to suggest that the following two things happen this week..... Susan Z. send all of us the enhanced spreadsheet (that meets everyone's needs) and Bonnie provide us with the first list to work on! I am certainly open to suggestions from everyone on how to do this better, but let's get going! regards, Melanie p.s. To insure that everyone received this correspondence, please rely to the list serve (only this time) so that I can check to see that no one has been omitted! (See attached file: EbXML San Jose.doc)
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