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Subject: Definition of business process
What do people mean by "business process", in the context of "business process model"? 1. Sending and receiving a business document, e.g. a purchase order. 2. Purchasing something, including a series of messages in a structured conversation, e.g. PO, acknowledgement, shipping notice, receipt, invoice, payment, return, etc. 3. The workings of an internal business department, like the Procurement Process. 4. All activities involved in satisfying a customer order, e.g. an instance of a multi-company supply chain. 5. Something else... I have seen all of the above definitions in recent ecommerce articles. Just wondering which one(s) will be used in ebXML? P.S. I have tried to ask this question before in the Requirements group and on the recent BP conference call, but I think the answer changed in Orlando, and I was too inarticulate to ask the question clearly over the phone. Thanks, Bob Haugen Logistical Software LLC
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