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Keith, Thanks for the note - when is a name not a name, but a named name naming a name, huh? Think we can tidy this one up with some tweeking. I probably ought to breakdown and use the e: name space for eDTD, then -> e:name="name" is more clear. Otherwise your message steps down into dark and murky waters. I think I'm on the right side of this abyss (?!) - namely providing the semantic definition reference, although of course we're NOT showing that in context. Actually that - as you note - is an entirely spearate exercise! At least here we are identifying the exact orange, its size and shape - then you can know to put it into the exactly right orange press that suits your business process! One step at a time.... Thanks, DW. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message text written by INTERNET:Keith.Finkelde@btfinancialgroup.com > <ELEMENT name="rootXML" model="(name,account)" /> <ELEMENT name="name" model="(title,lastname,first,initials,credentials)" /> <ELEMENT name="title" type="select" mask="ULLL" values="Mr.|Mrs.|Ms.|Sir" default="Mr." /> <ELEMENT name="lastname" type="string" mask="X35" required="true" /> <ELEMENT name="first" type="string" mask="X15" /> <ELEMENT name="initials" mask="U4" /> <ELEMENT name="credentials" mask="UXXXXX" /> <ELEMENT name="account" mask="U#7" required="true"> <ATTLIST attr.name="type" values="ATA|Cust|Other" required="false" default="Cust" /> </ELEMENT> </eDTDstructure> I think we need explicit qualified naming of all attributes - in the context they are being used. There seems to be another myth that the XML is going to stand alone without a reference to a semantic definition, and that the syntax neutral representation will be an export to XML, not a genuine transformation. All steps through a MDLC (Message Development LifeCycle ) will require a transformation (that is a trade-off of the different decisions we need to make at different life cycle stages). Note: some OO methods also promoted the existence of the same business concept throughout the whole SDLC , without the need for transformation, and have failed in the business world. My experience is that - business analytic representations [problem space] need multiple transformations prior to designs [logical solution] then transformation to a technical language [physical solution]. We have been actively using UML in the logical solution space- (Message Class Models + Integrity Constraints + Formating Rules ) expressed in a combination of Rose models + Word docs,then XML Authority to transform this to a dictionary ( currently - not able to express all cross field constraints) then export/generate to XML protocols (of whatever dialect) [physical solution]. look forward to other comments. regards Keith Finkelde <
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