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Subject: FW: B2B B2C & M2M (Just what we need another acronym)

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Don Benjamin 
> Sent:	Monday, April 17, 2000 10:32 AM
> To:	'xmledi-list-request@lists.bizserve.com'
> Cc:	Don Benjamin; 'donbenjamin@home.com'
> Subject:	B2B B2C & M2M (Just what we need another acronym)
> My company has just finished a implementation
> for a client in Toronto I can not name yet.
> We have successfully implemented a JIT inventory replenishment
> system using M2M technology. M2M or Machine to Machine
> uses smart agents and bots to derive critical inventory data
> make decisions to purchase.
> Our current iteration of this uses an external fulfillment house
> to route orders via EDI based transactions.
> Subsequent architectures will use XML and DCOM pipelines
> perhaps even an xCBL like Commerce One derivative.
> Has anyone else been involved with this M2M bot technology ?

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