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ebxml-core message

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Subject: RE: ebXML Representtion of Metadata


Seems there might not always be a URL model.  If 'RDF' is too controversial
in my wording, just change 'RDF'XML' to 'XML' and change 'referenced RDF' to
referenced metadata'.  Also, even though the architecture document says
something, it needs to be said in the design specification, where the rubber
meets the road.


Martin writes ...

The ebXML technical architecture already requires that each element in an
XML model be linkable by a URI to the definition for that element in a
registered repository. The definition, in turn, references the UML
definition of the model/pattern from which the element is derived. There
seems to be no point in having an additional pointer to an RDF definition
that duplicates the UML model.

Note: If the requirement to use UML is dropped then RDF might be considered
as an alternative representation, but this seems unlikely to happen
according to present drafts of the ebXML specifications.

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