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Subject: Comments on ebXML Core Components forms
During their discussions on May 24th the following comments were made on the design and use of the ebXML Core Components data capture forms, and the associated DTDs, by the CEN/ISSS Electronic Commerce Workshop's project group on Defining and Managing Semantics and Datatypes (DAMSAD): The User Community fields needs to allow the definition of multiple communities. At present there is no information as to how communities should be identified. We recommend that this field be completed by entering one or more codes from the UN ISIC list of standard industrial classificationns for economic activity. The set of Data Format Types should be extended to recognize Part 21 of ISO 10303 as an alternative way of representing the data format definition. The association of Character Set information with data format definitions does not seem logical. Whilst it may help to define restrictions that applied to the creation of valid codes in previous applications, it has no application within an XML message. The encoding used for the XML message cannot be altered in response to the character set of any contained data format. For example, if the character set for a data format is ISO 10646, but the encoding of the message is ISO 8879-1 then only the subset of the data format that is conformant with 8879-1 will be valid within the document, irrespective of the way in which the data format has been defined. If a document contains a reference to one data format that is restricted to ASCII, and another is restricted to ISO 8879-1, but the default UCS2 is used for the XML message, there is no way in which the XML schema can report errors in the data format simply because a character outside the range permitted for the data format has been specified. If the ebXML Core Components group wishes such restrictions to be applicable they must first pass this as a requirement to the W3C Schema Group to see if it is possible for them to add such a restriction. If they do not there seems little point in recording character set details for each data format. In reviewing the accompanying DTD the DAMSAD group noted that while multiple names can be associated with a description to allow for the multilingual naming of a Pattern, Entity and Concept it is not allowed for Representation. In addition, while the Description element, like the Name element, has an xml:lang attribute attached to it to allow different language versions of the Description to be defined only one Description is allowed at any point in the DTD. Whilst the form associated with Code Set definitions does allow the value of the language attribute to be changed for the description of a permitted value other forms do not allow the language of the Description to be specified, and in no case can the language of the the name assigned to any of the definition units be change from the default English value using the current data capture forms. Whilst recognizing that the English version should be considered as the "master", ie. the primary definition of a core component, it is felt that the DTD should allow for multiple names and multiple descriptions to be assigned to any object that can be recorded by the DTD so that "translations" can be stored with the master definition, even if the data capture forms only allow a single Name/Description. The data capture forms should allow the language used for completing all textual fields on the form to be recorded if it differs from English. Martin Bryan Chair, CEN/ISSS DAMSAD project group
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