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Subject: "CODE" representation class
In San Jose, we discussed a set of standard representation classes for core components. One of them was, "Code" where (if I understood correctly) concepts like "Country Code" or "currency Code" would make use of this representation class. Trying to use Martin's forms to record this, we find that I cannot create an entity "currency code" with representation class "code" where the entity defined "ISO standard xxxx" as the definitive enumeration of acceptable values. Rather, we find a need to define "currency code" as a representation class invoking the ISO standard, and then define some other entity (e.g. monetary amount) as represented by the currency code representation. Either - our list of representation classes was wrong, and should include things like "currency code" and "country code" rather than "code" or else - the forms are wrong, and should allow codeset to be specified within the entity definition rather than the representation class or else - I am confused again, please straighten me out? Thank you -Dwight
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