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Subject: Re: Tag Languages, UID's etc.
Duane Nickull shared with us his UID scheme (which I assume is the same as his colleague's David RR Webber's Bizcodes) for the mechanical conversion of XML tags, written in any language or alphabet, into the (supposedly normalized) English tags. I appreciate Duane's embrace of multiculturalism, and his efforts to bring Thai merchants into the fold of e-commerce (or whomever's language and alphabet was purported to be used in the tags of his example). But this is one time when HTML format and/or JPEGs should've been used to send the e-mail so I could see the tags rendered in something other than Latin character gibberish. More practical examples would answer how we will accommodate fusion with RosettaNet. Instead of fantasy examples (as if the Thai merchant really wants to jack around with XML - he or she will probably want to use affordable shrink-wrapped software), perhaps Duane and David can demonstrate how these Bizcodes or UIDs could be used to make RosettaNet (or OTA or S.W.I.F.T. XML) messages understandable within the context of ebXML Core Components. Hisanao Sugamata has already explained that, at least in Japan, they don't have a problem with using XML tags in English, or at least the Latin alphabet. Though Mr. Sugamata can't speak for every other non-European, I'm guessing that all serious business folks would likely concur. Obviously, the Japanese want to maintain their models in their own language, which will be entirely possible because the ebXML Registry/Repository will certainly support UNICODE, and I would assume modeling tools at least support UNICODE for the model. This probably is an absolute requirement, as the complex business requirements being modeled would require writing in the language the business analysts are fluent. But the XML tags are necessarily comprised of a limited vocabulary of semantic units, which, if one is familiar with the Latin alphabet, can easily be memorized or equated to one's own language. For that reason, even the Americans and English - not known for their multi-lingual facility - would probably be able to accommodate a limited tag vocabulary in any one of the Dead White Man (a.k.a. Indo-European ) languages, preferably a Hellenic thinking Germanic or Romance vernacular using the Latin alphabet. Fortunately, the BSR Semantic Components are in English. If they had been in German or French, I might have been forced to memorize "Postadresse" or "AdressePostale" instead of "PostalAddress." But like Curt Arnold, I'd rather do that then be presented with something like 208AA0C4-8612-4327-823C-784278F0D0BE. Hence, we don't yet have to rule out basing tags on a limited vocabulary like that held in the Basic Semantics Register. This avoids the inconvenience of the indirection required by the unintelligent UIDs and BizCodes. By unintelligent, I don't mean Duane's proposal is stupid, but merely that the UID by itself gives me no hints as to meaning. Even if political correctness dictated that the BSR Semantic Components be expressed in French, they would still be useful and somewhat decipherable to English-speaking programmers who had to sully their hands with XML. Unlike UCC/EAN UPCs, our vocabulary doesn't really have to be simplified (by conversion to numeric IDs) to the point where it can be bar-coded and scanned. William J. Kammerer FORESIGHT Corp. 4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy. Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305 +1 614 791-1600 Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at http://www.foresightcorp.com/ "Commerce for a New World"
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