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Subject: RE: English Language Tags
I concur absolutely. Sue Probert Director, Document Engineering Commerce One Tel: +44 1332 342080 www.commerceone.com -----Original Message----- From: David RR Webber [mailto:Gnosis_@compuserve.com] Sent: 31 January 2001 20:17 To: John McClure Cc: Ebxml-Core@Lists. Ebxml. Org; Sandy Klausner Subject: RE: English Language Tags Message text written by John McClure > JM2: Well, if it's not there, then create it! It's not that hard you know! The point is to stay on the same field as the rest of the world -- I don't see a huge effort in the W3C to create a registry of data element UIDs for their OWN elements because XML Namespaces and XML Schemas are adequate. <<<<<<<<<<< Hell will freeze over first - this is out-of-scope for the W3C schema work and the W3C. That's the whole rational for ebXML - to show how fielded XML works for business transactions... DW.
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