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Subject: RE: Dear Prudence: Do I have to pay for codes??
Regarding the controversy on ebxml Core components, whether the public should be required to pay for things like lists of barcode numbers, medical codes, and metadata, I hesitate to post without my asbestos suit! Here are fragments, http://lists.ebxml.org/archives/ebxml-core/200104/msg00107.html http://lists.ebxml.org/archives/ebxml-core/200104/msg00101.html But there have already been some sporadic comments that some reg rep functions might be better performed by unregulated peer to peer applications, that might perform very well, reduce network traffic, scale better, and be impossible for vendors to capture to collect rents and snoop private information. Once these P2P applications start happening, they would tend to grow and mutate quickly. I think it would be a good thing for the whole business community, and for civilization. Todd
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