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Subject: qualifier for datetime and amount
In ebXML Core Components, - The datetime object contains "content" and "format". - The amount object contains "amount" and "amount currency.." I was idly wondering, whether each of these two objects needs another embedded entity, called "qualifier". OAGIS uses qualifiers on its dateTime and Amount. Edifact also seems to use date/time qualifiers ubiquitously. http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d01a/trsd/trsddtm.htm http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d01a/tred/tred2005.htm Could somebody please educate me as to why the 'qualifier' isn't in the CCmps. Is 'qualifier' in the doghouse? The "qualifier" as an element of the datetime and amount seems to make for efficient XML schemas and instances in serializing transaction data between diverse systems. The epistemic argument is that "qualifier" is a naturally occurring and intrinsic element in any scenario where a value is chosen from the progression of time or the progression of amounts in a business interaction. Why otherwise would the user pick that amount or datetime value, other than the fact it is associated with an event, a resource, etc.? There may be a reason so many developers settled into this practice of putting the qualifier attribute after datetime or amount. TOdd
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