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Subject: Re: Location of TRP schema
Hi, Himagiri and all, > It does not appear to be in > > www.ebxml.org/namespaces/messageHeader as indicated in the document > > Does anyone know the latest location and will the documents > be updated to reflect the same http://www.ebxml.org/namespaces/messageHeader doesn't point at a schema location of ebXML message header but is just an indicator of its schema. So there isn't anything wrong if you are not able to get the schema via http://www.ebxml.org/namespaces/messageHeader. You can get the schema from the specification , http://www.ebxml.org/specs/ebMS.pdf . But I also approve of ebxml site's maintaing all related schema files for our convenient. Regards, ----------------------------------------------------------- Yuji SAKATA (ysakata@rd.nttdata.co.jp) NTT Data Corporation http://www.nttdata.co.jp/en/index.html http://www.sakata.org/
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