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Subject: RE: How is ebXML Implementation going?


-----Original Message-----
From: Farrukh Najmi [mailto:Farrukh.Najmi@Sun.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:53 AM
To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: Re: How is ebXML Implementation going?

Here are the ebXML registry implementations that I am aware of:

1. Sun Microsystems  http://www.sun.com/software/xml/developers/regrep/

2. Korea Institute of eComerce

3. Korea Trade Network  http://www.GXMLHub.com/english/index.html

4. XML Global http://www.xmlglobal.com (I could not find actual link
registry. Can someone from XMLG help?)

5. Stirling Commerce (private implementation at this point)

I am also aware of a few others in the works.


"Munter, Joel D" wrote:

> farrukh, please list references to the 5 implementations mentioned
> thanks, joel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Farrukh Najmi [mailto:Farrukh.Najmi@Sun.COM]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 5:45 AM
> To: Hyungjoon Kim
> Cc: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
> Subject: Re: How is ebXML Implementation going?
> Dear Hyungjoon,
> >I want to know how it is going about the registry and repository, and
> what's the main issue
> >    in developing ebXML-compatible software up to now.
> The OASIS ebXML Registry TC is making rapid progress towards V2.0 of
> specifications. We expect to have V2.0 specs approved by the TC and
> submitted to OASIS board for their approval as an OASIS standard by
> December 1, 2001.
> Currently there are 5 implementations with various degrees of
> conformance to the V1.0 specifications to the best of my knowledge.
> Based on my experience, the main issue for developing ebXML-compatible
> software currently are:
> -The V1.0 specs like most V1.0 specs have some holes
> -The V2.0 specs are being deveoped and therefor a moving target
> -Implementations are slowly but surely coming out and sometimes are
> feature complete
> All of the above issues are normal to any new set of specifications
> I feel certain that within the next 6 months the above issues
> will be a distant memory. In the meantime networking and collaborating
> with each other on this mailing list is the best way to overcome
> the short term issues.
> --
> Regards,
> Farrukh
> Hyungjoon Kim wrote:
> > Hi, All I want to implement prototype integrating workflow and
> > ebXML. When companies want to use ebXML message processing
> > system,        Implementing registry and repository in industrial
> > organization must go first. I want to know how it is going about the
> > registry and repository, and what's the main issue    in developing
> > ebXML-compatible software up to now.  sincerely, Hyungjoon Kim
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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