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Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] RE: [EDI-L] Announce - Latest Article on ebXML
Dale, Thanks for taking the time to make such a well reasoned and detailed argument. As a minor point, I would like to point out that what I'm offering is not a formal pattern of inference but an informal argument, so the same rules don't apply. In general, I find any attempts to get very formal in predicting the future to be pretty dubious. At any rate, you don't agree with the assessment and rationale regarding the ebXML CPA/CPP. Fair enough, I'll be glad to provide further rationale. But, the main issue ultimately comes down to whether the value added to an SME is worth the cost of implementation (and, more to the point, whether developers for the SME market will think so!). I'm even open to reconsidering my assessment, but I would like to hear some convincing arguments why a higher estimate is justified. Mr. Kammerer provided a few. Are you saying you just don't feel comfortable gazing into a crystal ball, or would you like to provide your own estimate and rationale? Regards, -- Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting www.rawlinsecconsulting.com
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