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Subject: [ebxml-dev] Fw: Conference program for NEXTWARE Spring 2002 (May20-23, Baltimore)

This conference contains several sessions on SOAP, ebXML and  other
Web Services related topics, that may be of interest to the
SOAP/ebXML community.

Dick Brooks
Systrends, Inc
7855 South River Parkway, Suite 111
Tempe, Arizona 85284
Web: www.systrends.com <http://www.systrends.com>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken North" <ken_north@compuserve.com>
To: <xmledi-group@disa.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 4:54 AM
Subject: Conference program for NEXTWARE Spring 2002 (May 20-23,

> NEXTWARE Spring 2002 is a conference about next-generation
> technology with a focus on XML and Web Services. NEXTWARE will run
> concurrently with SERVICE NETWORKS 2002 and CONNECTED HOME 2002 at
> Baltimore Convention Center from May 20-23.
> These keynote speakers will share their expertise, insights and
vision of
> the next wave of Web computing:
> · Dr. Jean-François Abramatic (W3C Chairman and Senior
Vice-President R&D,
> · Robert W. Bickel (General Manager, Middleware Division,
> Company)
> · Dr. Robert Sutor (Director, eBusiness Standards Strategy, IBM).
> The keynote panel discussion includes Adam Bosworth (VP
Engineering, BEA),
> Robert W. Bickel (General Manager, Middleware Division,
> Company), Dr. Richard Mark Soley (Chairman and CEO, Object
> Group), and Dr. Robert Sutor (Director, eBusiness Standards
Strategy, IBM).
> A distinguished faculty will teach eight pre-conference tutorials
on May 20
> and 98 sessions in seven tracks during the main conference (May
> There are five tracks with technical content and two tracks for
> decisionmakers. The schedule, session abstracts, and faculty list
will be
> available at www.nextwareexpo.com.
> May 20 Tutorials
> -------------------
> Building .NET Web Services
> A Comprehensive Technical Overview of Web Services
> Designing Markup for Precision Retrieval of Text and Narrative
> Document Analysis and Markup Design
> Essential XML
> Thin Clients, Fat Databases, and Web Services
> UDDI Workshop: Software Development and Integration with Web
> XQuery Tutorial
> May 21-23 Presentations
> ----------------------------
> Access Control for Consumer Profile Sharing
> BizTalk Server: Coordinating Business Processes on Both Sides of
> Firewall
> Building Standards-based Web Services with J2EE
> Collaborative Applications with Java Technology
> Core Services Framework: An Open, Standards-based Framework for
> Developing Web Services with Java
> eBusiness, Application Integration and Dynamic XML Servers
> SOAP and Java: Beyond the Basics
> Transactions in a Web Services World
> Transaction Reliability in Web Services
> Using JSP and XML Together
> Xbeans Release Two
> Access Control for Consumer Profile Sharing
> Apache eXtensible Interaction System (AXIS): A Web Service Toolkit
> Dynamic Graphical Interface Systems
> Generating Business Graphics with XSLT and SVG
> JAX Pack: Java APIs for XML
> Mastering XPath
> OASIS Standards on Web Services for Interactive Applications
> WSDL 101
> XHTML: XML for Client-side Development
> The XML API Shoot-out
> XML to Object Binding using SAX and JAXB
> XMLC: A Clean Alternative to Page Templates
> XSLT Techniques from the Vendor-neutral Testing Activity
> Architecting Web Services
> ebXML and Web Services
> Enterprise Application Integration for Developers
> Leveraging eBusiness Integration to Achieve Useful Web Services
and Beyond
> Leveraging Web Services for Application Integration
> Securing Extranet Applications
> Topic Maps, Portals and Information Management
> Understanding J2EE Connector Architecture
> Understanding UDDI
> Web Services, WSDL and UDDI
> Architectures for Wireless Handheld Computing
> Building Voice and Wireless Applications with Web Services
> Creating Custom Events in Web Services
> Design Strategies for Developing VoiceXML Applications
> Error Handling in Web Services
> Implementing .NET Alerts
> Integrate the Power of Synchronized Multimedia into Web Pages
> Mobile Application Messaging
> Mobilizing Business Processes
> The Role of Voice in Data Convergence
> SAML Basics
> Services Anywhere
> Web Services Standards
> Are You Ready for XML Schemas?
> Beyond Web Services: XML Tuplespaces
> Conceptual Modeling, XLink, RDF and XML Schema
> Finding and Updating Data: SQL? XPath? XQuery?
> How Does XML Fit in with Existing Data Access Standards?
> Leveraging ADO.NET's XML Features
> Mapping Documents to Databases
> Providing a Relational View over XML Data
> Querying XML Documents
> RDF: Breaking Out of the Labs
> RDF's Role in Knowledge Management and Web Services
> Serializing Relational Query Results in XML
> SQLX: Bringing SQL and XML Together
> Taxonomies and Indexing
> Understanding XML Schema
> Weaving the Semantic (eBusiness) Web
> XML Namespaces
> XML Query Workshop
> Web Services: The Third Way
> Can Web Services Save B2B ?
> How to Profit from Web Services and Share Revenues among Your
> Infrastructure for eBusiness and Web Services
> IT Infrastructure Roadmap
> Global Business Integration Strategies
> Six Technologies in Search of a Market (Web Services, B2B, EAI,
Java, XML,
> BPA)
> B2B Exchanges
> Bringing Geography to the Borderless Internet
> eBusiness Integration for Useful Web Services and Beyond
> Exposing Midrange Data and Applications with .NET
> Guaranteed Business Exchange: Securely Exchanging Vital Data over
> Internet
> Global Business Integration Strategies
> Lessons Learned Deploying SOAP/ebXML Web Services in the Energy
> The .NET Free Zone
> Reusable Web Services: A Case Study
> Using SOAP to Solve Platform Interoperability
> Using Standards-based XML for eBusiness
> Using XML and Web Services in the Financial Industry
> XML and Web Services in the Future of Portals
> For more information: www.nextwareexpo.com
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