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Subject: [ebxml-dev] ebMS MSH and routing
Hi, I am trying to uderstand how the #1. eb:MessageHeader/eb:PartyId #2. eb:MessageHeader/eb:PartyId/@eb:type entities are used in the routing process for an ebMS message . The specification says that the value of #2 has to be agreed upon b/w the 'ToParty' and the 'FromParty'. How does this ensure message delivery in a multi-hop scenario with intermediaries ? Drawing an analogy with the IP addressing and routing scheme : # should'nt there be a standard for the value contained in #2 so that the message can be interpreted and routed to the appropriate MSH / SOAP node ? # can an ebMS MSH node be mapped to multiple 'PartyId' 's , similiar to an multi-homed IP node with multiple IP addresses ? # shouldnt there be a naming / registry system like DNS for mapping 'PartyId' 's to MSH nodes ? # how does an MSH node know the physical location ( IP address ) of the next MSH ? The spec recommends that the the value of #2 be standard codes taken from EDIRA (ISO6523), EDIFACT ISO 9735 or ANSI ASC X12 I05 registries. Can someone explain how this facilitates ebMS messaging ? A few examples with actual codes for the above would be helpful . <eb:MessageHeader> <eb:To> <eb:PartyId eb:type="GLN">0614141000012</eb:PartyId> </eb:To> <eb:From> <eb:PartyId eb:type="DUNS">0060189737810</eb:PartyId> </eb:From> </eb:MessageHeader> Considering the example above in an multi-hop scenario, # how are the values contained in #1 and #2 used by the 'ToParty' and intermediary MSH nodes actually used for routing ? # how does an intermediary MSH node select the next MSH node and consequently its physical (IP) location based on #1 and #2 ? # Couldnt there be a situation that an intermediary MSH may not understand the value contained in #2 as #2 is not constrained by the specification ?How does the routing work then ? The specification also specifies that if #2 is not used , then the content of #1 should ne a URI. In that case how does routing take place if the content of #1 is say : #URL : <eb:PartyId >http://www.mycompany.com/service/Order </eb:PartyId> #email : <eb:PartyId >mailto:somebody@mycompany.com </eb:PartyId> Thanks Dipan Anarkat EC Systems Analyst Uniform Code Council, Inc. Tel: (609)-620-4509 http://www.uc-council.org/
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