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Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] ebMS MSH and routing
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you are referring to the the fifth element of the ANSI X12 interchange envelope (ISA). A qualifier of '01' indicates that it is a DUNS number. cheers, keith Dick Brooks wrote: >William makes an excellent point. I discovered this "hole" when I was >writing the ebXML mapping for the Open Travel Alliance E-Commerce spec. I >ended up "creating" a URN to use within the type attribute of PartyId. >Here's an example of an OTA compliant PartyId element, anyone want to guess >what the urn contained in the type attribute indicates? > ><eb:PartyId eb:type="urn:x12.org:I05:01">987654321</eb:PartyId> > > >Dick Brooks >Systrends, Inc >7855 South River Parkway, Suite 111 >Tempe, Arizona 85284 >Web: www.systrends.com <http://www.systrends.com> >Phone:480.756.6777,Mobile:205-790-1542,eFax:240-352-0714 > > >-----Original Message----- >From: William J. Kammerer [mailto:wkammerer@novannet.com] >Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 1:52 PM >To: Anarkat, Dipan >Cc: ebXML Development >Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] ebMS MSH and routing > > >Dale Moberg agreed with Duane Nickull on the >ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org mailing list that it would be good if we >had an enumerated list [of PartyId types], with option to extend it. It >would be good if these list values were at least standardized to URIs, >probably URNs. But last time [Dale] checked, there was little agreement >even on how to get an official URN for DUNS or whether it might need to >get some official (read legal) approval to use it. > >Dale asked if there are "some candidate values that could help >standardization in this area? ....what [could we] use as enumerated >values?" He wants a list of all commonly used identifier schemes. Dale >further suggested "we might then use an oasis urn prefix to rig up >enumerated values." > >All URN prefixes or domains are defined at >http://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces. Dun & Bradstreet still >hasn't requested one since we first discussed this a year ago, and I >wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this to happen at all. > >In the meantime, I would be quite satisfied using the OID (Object >Identifier) scheme to indicate PartyId types. "urn:oid:1.3.60" uniquely >says Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S. Use "urn:oid:1.3.60" to qualify the code >081466849, and you instantly know I'm talking about the Microsoft >Corporation. As another example using the OID URN, an EAN Location Code >would be qualified it with a PartyId type of >"urn:oid:1.3.88". The OID structure itself is cataloged at >http://www.alvestrand.no/objectid. I addressed this use of OIDs (for >the PartyId type) in detail within a thread of messages to the ebXML >Transport mailing list back in December 2000 and subsequent months. > >Our good friends, Ralph Berwanger, David Dobbing, Klaus-Dieter Naujok >and Francois Vuilleumier are members of ISO/TC 154-UN/CEFACT JSWG, at >http://www.gefeg.com/jswg/. They might be able to lubricate the way for >ISO 9735 to define an OID structure whereby all of EDIFACT's D.E. 0007 >Identification code qualifier code values could be hijacked for use. >All ISO standards that have a number have an automatic assignment of an >OID under the arc 1.0. > >So ISO 9735 (EDIFACT Syntax) already owns urn:oid:1.0.9735. It would be >up to the JSWG, I guess, to decide how they would parcel out their >little domain. For example, if they said the OID 1.0.9735.1.n referred >to the code values for service element n, then a PartyId type of >urn:oid:1.0.9735.1.7.8 could mean "UCC Communications ID (Uniform Code >Council Communications Identifier)." - in that D.E. 0007 is the service >element and code value 8 means UCC CommID. The latest list of EDIFACT >Identification code qualifiers is at >http://www.gefeg.com/jswg/cl/v4/40006/cl3.htm. This would give you full >access to all the EDIFACT qualifiers, relying on diligent and >conscientious maintenance to be provided free of charge by the JSWG. > >Likewise, using the OID arc 1.3 allows you to refer to all the ISO 6523 >ICDs; see file ICD_list.htm in folder >6523-Identification-of-Organizations at >http://xw2k.sdct.itl.nist.gov/l8/document-library/draft-standards/ for a >list as of 5 April 2000. So, as in the examples I gave before, a >PartyId type of "urn:oid:1.3.88" refers to ISO 6523 ICD 0088 (EAN >Location Code). > >The only thing left to do would be to get an arc assigned to X12's >Interchange ID Qualifier so you have full access to their comprehensive >list of qualifier types. > >William J. Kammerer >Novannet, LLC. >+1 (614) 487-0320 > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "Anarkat, Dipan" <DAnarkat@uc-council.org> >To: "Ebxml-Dev (E-mail)" <ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org> >Sent: Wednesday, 09 January, 2002 02:21 PM >Subject: [ebxml-dev] ebMS MSH and routing > > >Hi, > I am trying to uderstand how the > >#1. eb:MessageHeader/eb:PartyId >#2. eb:MessageHeader/eb:PartyId/@eb:type > >entities are used in the routing process for an ebMS message . > >The specification says that the value of #2 has to be agreed upon b/w >the >'ToParty' and the 'FromParty'. >How does this ensure message delivery in a multi-hop scenario with >intermediaries ? > >Drawing an analogy with the IP addressing and routing scheme : ># should'nt there be a standard for the value contained in #2 so >that the message can be interpreted and routed to the appropriate MSH / >SOAP >node ? ># can an ebMS MSH node be mapped to multiple 'PartyId' 's , similiar >to an multi-homed IP node with multiple IP addresses ? ># shouldnt there be a naming / registry system like DNS for mapping >'PartyId' 's to MSH nodes ? ># how does an MSH node know the physical location ( IP address ) of >the next MSH ? > >The spec recommends that the the value of #2 be standard codes taken >from >EDIRA (ISO6523), EDIFACT ISO 9735 or ANSI ASC X12 I05 registries. Can >someone explain how this facilitates ebMS messaging ? A few examples >with >actual codes for the above would be helpful . > > > ><eb:MessageHeader> ><eb:To> ><eb:PartyId eb:type="GLN">0614141000012</eb:PartyId> ></eb:To> ><eb:From> ><eb:PartyId eb:type="DUNS">0060189737810</eb:PartyId> ></eb:From> ></eb:MessageHeader> > >Considering the example above in an multi-hop scenario, ># how are the values contained in #1 and #2 used by the 'ToParty' >and intermediary MSH nodes actually used for routing ? ># how does an intermediary MSH node select the next MSH node and >consequently its physical (IP) location based on #1 and #2 ? ># Couldnt there be a situation that an intermediary MSH may not >understand the value contained in #2 as #2 is not constrained by the >specification ?How does the routing work then ? > >The specification also specifies that if #2 is not used , then the >content >of #1 should ne a URI. In that case how does routing take place if the >content of #1 is say : > #URL : <eb:PartyId >http://www.mycompany.com/service/Order ></eb:PartyId> > #email : <eb:PartyId >mailto:somebody@mycompany.com ></eb:PartyId> > >Thanks > >Dipan Anarkat >EC Systems Analyst >Uniform Code Council, Inc. >Tel: (609)-620-4509 >http://www.uc-council.org/ > > > >---------------------------------------------------------------- >The ebxml-dev list is sponsored by OASIS. >To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription >manager: <http://lists.ebxml.org/ob/adm.pl> > > >---------------------------------------------------------------- >The ebxml-dev list is sponsored by OASIS. >To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription >manager: <http://lists.ebxml.org/ob/adm.pl> >
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