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Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] Presence of sequenceNumber element in Response message.
In both v1.0 and v2.0, ConversationId is a required element on all messages. Neither version specifies what its value must be other than it must be unique between the too parties. The concept is of grouping messages which pertain to the same thread using this element. How this is done is not specified (implementation dependent) and is not used within the confines of the MSH, with one exception. Message Ordering -- SequenceNumber (when present) -- is used within a Conversation. ConversationId does not contain (is not an ancestor of) SequenceNumber. This is the only time ConversationId is specifically used in the specification. SequenceNumber is not a required element on any message. The CPA specifies whether or not SequenceNumber should be present. If it is present, it is incremented within a single Conversation. A SequenceNumber of *1* on two different messages with different ConversationId values is a valid construct. A SequenceNumber of *1* on two different messages with the same ConversationId value, is not a valid construct, unless a Reset is performed between the messages. Regards, David Fischer Drummond Group. -----Original Message----- From: Kumar [mailto:kumar@SAMSUNGSDSINDIA.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 11:39 PM To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org Subject: [ebxml-dev] Presence of sequenceNumber element in Response message. Hi! ebXML folks, According to ebXML TRP spec "1.0" if the message is reliably sent, it Must contain the Conversationid element which in turn has a sequence Number element. Consider a Situation where two Parties are exchanging some services, example Party A and Party B If Party A initiates the conversation , then in the request message following elements appear MessageID ConversationID SequenceNumber Now the Party B responds to Party A , while responding wether the Sequence Number element must be present or not. If present wether it can be incremented on the response end. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The ebxml-dev list is sponsored by OASIS. To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription manager: <http://lists.ebxml.org/ob/adm.pl>
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