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Subject: [ebxml-dev] CPA example

I have a quick question on the structure of the 
draft-cpa-example-015.xml document (which I grabbed from the ebxml-cpa 
archive list).  It appears as though "Purchase Order Request Action" is 
defined twice under CanSend elements; once for a synchronous delivery 
channel, and once for an asynchronous delivery channel.  Is this right?? 
 My understanding was that a given action could only appear once within 
a CanSend element under a given Party.

The 1.09 spec has this to say on the matter (pg. 34, line 1316) :

Under a given PartyInfo element and among all subordinate CanSend 
elements, there SHALL be only one ThisPartyActionBinding element whose 
action attribute has a given value.

Is this an error in the example CPA, or am I just missing something? 
 The following is excerpted from the example CPA document :


<tp:CollaborationRole tp:id="Buyer">

            <tp:ProcessSpecification tp:version="2.0" tp:name="PIP3A4RequestPurchaseOrder" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="http://www.rosettanet.org/processes/3A4.xml" tp:uuid="urn:icann:rosettanet.org:bpid:3A4$2.0"/>

            <tp:Role tp:name="Buyer" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="http://www.rosettanet.org/processes/3A4.xml#Buyer"/>

            <tp:ApplicationCertificateRef tp:certId="CompanyA_AppCert"/>




                    <tp:ThisPartyActionBinding tp:id="companyA_ABID1" tp:action="Purchase Order Request Action" tp:packageId="CompanyA_RequestPackage">

                        <tp:ActionContext tp:binaryCollaboration="Request Purchase Order" tp:businessTransactionActivity="Request Purchase Order" tp:requestOrResponseAction="Purchase Order Request Action"/>





                <!-- The next binding uses a synchronous delivery channel -->


                    <tp:ThisPartyActionBinding tp:id="companyA_ABID6" tp:action="Purchase Order Request Action" tp:packageId="CompanyA_RequestPackage">

                        <tp:ActionContext tp:binaryCollaboration="Request Purchase Order" tp:businessTransactionActivity="Request Purchase Order" tp:requestOrResponseAction="Purchase Order Request Action"/>





                        <tp:ThisPartyActionBinding tp:id="companyA_ABID7" tp:action="Purchase Order Confirmation Action" tp:packageId="CompanyA_SyncReplyPackage">

                            <tp:ActionContext tp:binaryCollaboration="Request Purchase Order" tp:businessTransactionActivity="Request Purchase Order" tp:requestOrResponseAction="Purchase Order Confirmation Action"/>






                        <tp:ThisPartyActionBinding tp:id="companyA_ABID8" tp:action="Exception" tp:packageId="CompanyA_ExceptionPackage">








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