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ebxml-dev message

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Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] where to start?

In the link that has been provided:
ebXML: Moving Forward
Technical Overview
Patrick Gannon
President & CEO
There's a reference saying that ebXML implementations are being released almost daily. Is there a download page somewhere that I can go to so that I can get one of these products ?
Is there a list of ebXML Vendors somewhere ?
Where can I access a UDDI server to do some discovery ?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 10:24 PM
Subject: AW: [ebxml-dev] where to start?

I guess you will find it most suitable to go (besides the specs and reports) with one of the recommended books describing meaning and implementation of ebXML. I personally would recommend "ebXML Foundation", I found it very useful and clarifying.
Also you can find a few (more or less descriptive) presentations at http://www.ebxml.org/presentations.htm describing implementation route for ebXML.
In my opinion the point to start implementation is clearly the ebMS (Message Service) to get it work you need to understand the interaction of the framework in total (what easiest way to do is a book like recommended above).
The ebXML specifications will point out which other specifications/reports are recommended to read/study before proceeding.
There is no way around the ebTA (Technical Architecture) specification but knowing this and learning a bit about interactions from/to business processes, CPP and CPA (what will explain you the meaning and impact of ebXML registries as well) gets you to a good knowledge basis. (At least then you know what you are developing the MS for.)
Best Regards
Christopher Frank
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Régis Dubois [mailto:regis.dubois@valtech.fr]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 9. April 2002 13:01
An: ebxml
Betreff: [ebxml-dev] where to start?

Is there some place on the net where I can find a tutorial, sample repository, or walkthrough that might help me to make my on Implementation of ebXML?
I'm a bit lost and don't know where to start.
thanx for any help.

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