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Subject: [ebxml-dev] RE: Public usage scenario documents
- From: James Bryce Clark <jamie.clark@mmiec.com>
- To: RogerCutler@chevrontexaco.com
- Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 17:46:19 -0700
At 03:47 PM 5/25/02, Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler) wrote:
I'd like to get some input and help
from ebXML. And I have mentioned ebXML
in previous conference calls -- not disparagingly but with a certain
of confusion. ***
Some confusion is understandable. We lost several months of
marketing momentum in 2001, due to the obvious economic vortex, and an
untimely reorganization when several vendors decamped to a more
proprietary, vendor-owned venue that became WS-I. However, the
substantive work has progressed uninterrupted -- we are still long on
technical experts and user alpha tests, if short on
*** I am not
trying to get into business requirements per se, but only as they drive
technical infrastructure requirements. This is a rather delicate
balance, ***
Whew. No kidding. Often it requires being agnostic and
ambivalent on technical issues to a degree that annoys software
designers. Your missing-message-23 case is a good example. I
don't know if we are right, either, but permit me to describe how the
"delicate balance" seems to work for us:
-- Business requirements ("talking to users") tell
us that some people will use systems with low-metadata, "dumb"
document-based messages that need ordinality to be tacked on from the
outside by some messaging-counter or workflow service. There is no
other way for such exchanges to detect missing or async out-of-sequence
parts. Without it, they can't play in our sandbox.
-- The same process tells us that others will use
systems driven by shared data objects with managed states that carry
their own binding choreography. Imposing message-order as a
mandatory overlay would destroy the sequencing model on which such a
system hinges. Impose an overriding dumb message numbering system,
and they can't play in our sandbox.
-- So the net business requirement imposed on our technical
architecture is that we must permit both methodologies, and
provide a platform-neutral way to elect which one governs a message
There are perhaps a dozen similar compromises in ebXML standards.
They may result in less elegance or compactness, but I think they are
necessary to modularity, easy adoption and vendor neutrality. Which
are our imperatives and, I think, the reason a lot of industries feel
safe using our stuff.
*** Although
it is not exactly the subject of the note I am responding to, I might
also mention that I am kind of bemused by the ebXML reliable messaging
spec -- *** Is this going to get re-done? Extended or fixed?
By whom?
You have heard technical views from Duane, Marty and others. Of course,
users and vendors might vary on how reliable "reliable" must
be. I'm not enough of a technician to have a view. But I can
answer your specific question. There is a continuing, live ebXML
messaging team organized as an OASIS TC, visible at
It is responsible for continuing versioning of the standard, and I
understand they are already making plans for v3.0. Personally
I am pleased that there is a viable alternative to efforts elsewhere to
embrace and extend SOAP into a proprietary-lock-in trap.
Regards Jamie Clark
~ James Bryce Clark
~ VP and General Counsel, McLure-Moynihan Inc.
~ Chair, ABA Business Law Subcommittee on Electronic Commerce
~ 1 818 597 9475 jamie.clark@mmiec.com
~ This message is neither legal advice nor a binding signature. Ask
me why.
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