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Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] UBL Schemas Released for Public Review


is there material showing this? I'm asking because a recent, rather positive
article about ebXML in "Computerwoche" (IDG's German edition of
Computerworld) mentions an unclear or competitive relationship betwen CC and

Rainer Volz
Virtuelle Projekte - www.vrtprj.de
Virtual Projects - www.vrtprj.com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: CRAWFORD, Mark [mailto:MCRAWFORD@lmi.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 6:15 PM
> To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org; ebxml-mktg@lists.ebxml.org
> Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] UBL Schemas Released for Public Review
> Nick,
> UBL is developing XML syntax specific expressions of fully
> compliant ebXML core components/business information entities.
> UBL will be submitting its BIEs to UN/CEFACT for inclusion as
> UN/CEFACT ebXML Core Components and will progress it's schemas
> forward to become international standards.  The UBL approach is
> exactly what is required to have predefined syntax specific
> expressions of context specific business information entities.
> Mark Crawford
> Research Fellow - LMI XML Lead
> W3C Advisory Committee, OASIS, RosettaNet Representative
> Vice Chair - OASIS UBL TC & Chair Naming and Design Rules Subcommittee
> Chair - UN/CEFACT XML Syntax Working Group
> Editor - UN/CEFACT Core Components
> ______
> Logistics Management Institute
> 2000 Corporate Ridge, McLean, VA 22102-7805
> (703) 917-7177   Fax (703) 917-7481
> Wireless (703) 655-4810
> mcrawford@lmi.org
> http://www.lmi.org
> "Opportunity is what you make of it"
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Nick Laqua [mailto:Nick.Laqua@newtron.net]
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 5:33 AM
> > To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org; ebxml-mktg@lists.ebxml.org
> > Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] UBL Schemas Released for Public Review
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > can anybody give me a short hint how UBL is expected to
> > align/cooperate with the existing efforts within ebXML (Core
> > Components, context driver etc.) ? As I understood, the Core
> > Components approach was meant to avoid the typical problems
> > of traditional standards like EDIFACT etc. (messages being to
> > generic on one hand and too complex/specific on the other
> > hand) leading to proprietary "enhancements" and adaptions.
> >
> > Isn't UBL just another attempt to install a "standard"
> > interoperable format (like EDIFACT etc.) ?
> >
> > Thx
> >
> > Nick
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Carol Geyer [mailto:carol.geyer@oasis-open.org]
> > Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 9:40 PM
> > To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org; ebxml-mktg@lists.ebxml.org
> > Subject: [ebxml-dev] UBL Schemas Released for Public Review
> >
> >
> > The first draft of a royalty-free data representation standard for
> > electronic commerce has been released by the OASIS Universal Business
> > Language (UBL) Technical Committee.
> >
> > The UBL Library Content 0p70 Public Review release can be found at
> >
> >    http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/lcsc/0p70/
> >
> > A zip file containing the entire review set packaged for local
> > installation can be downloaded from
> >
> >    http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/lcsc/0p70/UBL0p70.zip
> >
> > Intended to become international standards for electronic
> > trade, the UBL
> > schemas contained in the review package specify machine-readable XML
> > representations of familiar business documents.  The seven basic
> > documents covered in this release include Order, Order
> > Response, Simple
> > Order Response, Order Cancellation, Despatch Advice, Receipt
> > Advice, and
> > Invoice. Together, they can be used to implement a generic buy/sell
> > relationship or supply chain whose components fit existing trade
> > agreements and are immediately understandable by workers in business,
> > supply-chain management (SCM), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI),
> > accounting, customs, taxation, and shipping.
> >
> > These generic schemas are intended to work in a wide variety
> > of business
> > contexts through custom extensions. Automated context
> > configuration will
> > be addressed in a later phase of the effort. The schemas are also
> > designed be used in their generic form in many ordinary business
> > contexts without further modification.
> >
> > The business context in which the generic document types are
> > designed to
> > function is detailed in the materials accompanying the release. Other
> > documentation includes the entire semantic model on which the schemas
> > are based, a description of the methodology by which the schemas were
> > created, and UML diagrams to aid in software design. The package also
> > contains alternative ASN.1 specifications for the UBL schemas
> > that allow
> > ASN.1 tools to be used for UBL document transfers. Additional
> > supplementary materials will be made available in a following package
> > update to be announced separately.
> >
> > The UBL schemas reflect a number of inputs, the most
> > important of which
> > are the commercial xCBL schemas from Commerce One and SAP; the ebXML
> > Core Components Specification; early XSL stylesheet
> > implementations; and
> > early feedback from the UBL Liaisons
> > (http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/lsc/).  UBL schema
> > design follows
> > the UBL Naming and Design Rules developed by the UBL NDR Subcommittee
> > (http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/). The definition of UBL
> > semantic content, based on existing practice in EDI and electronic
> > marketplaces, has taken place in close alignment with ebXML Core
> > Components methodology to ensure optimal integration into the ebXML
> > semantic registry.
> >
> > As works in progress, the materials in the Library Content 0p70 Public
> > Review package do not yet have the status of an OASIS Open Standard or
> > an OASIS Committee Specification.  The construction of experimental
> > prototypes based on these materials is encouraged for the purpose of
> > generating input back to the committee process, but implementers are
> > strongly advised against basing commercial or mission-critical
> > applications on the draft specifications.
> >
> > The OASIS UBL Library Content Subcommittee invites interested
> > parties to
> > comment on this release directly to the Library Content Subcommittee
> > Editor, Bill Meadows (bill.meadows@sun.com), using the recommended
> > feedback form at
> >
> >
> > http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/lcsc/0p70/UBL_Comment-0p1.rtf
> >
> > This release comment period applies from Monday, January 27th until
> > Monday, April 14th 2003. We welcome all comments and will ensure to
> > advise of our dispositions to any suggestions.
> >
> > The work of the OASIS UBL Technical Committee is open to public view
> > through the mail archives linked from the UBL home page:
> >
> >    http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/
> >
> > Formal input to UBL from industry data exchange organizations is
> > provided through the UBL Liaison Subcommittee:
> >
> >    http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/lsc/
> >
> > Input from the general public is accepted through the ubl-comment mail
> > list:
> >
> >    http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-comment/
> >
> > Interested parties are invited to comment on the work of the UBL TC by
> > subscribing to the ubl-comment list using the OASIS list manager:
> >
> >    http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl
> >
> >
> > ____________________________________________
> > Carol Geyer
> > Director of Communications
> > http://www.oasis-open.org
> > carol.geyer@oasis-open.org
> > Voice: +1 978.667.5115 x209
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > The ebxml-dev list is sponsored by OASIS.
> > To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription
> > manager: <http://lists.ebxml.org/ob/adm.pl>
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > The ebxml-dev list is sponsored by OASIS.
> > To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription
> > manager: <http://lists.ebxml.org/ob/adm.pl>
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> The ebxml-dev list is sponsored by OASIS.
> To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription
> manager: <http://lists.ebxml.org/ob/adm.pl>

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