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RE: [ebxml-dev] ebXML core components derivation by restriction

As far as I recall an official project was initiated within UN/CEFACT TMG
to revise CCTS. Alan Stitzer is project lead and Mark Crawford is editor.
The project is hosted in the TMG CC group, which is chaired by Mary Kay
Blanz. Because of the UN/CEFACT IPR issues there was some confusion on
participation. I trust this problem will be solved quickly now and there
should be an announcement for invitation of change requests soon. I even
think such announcement has already been published, but please contact
Alan for that.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Chiusano Joseph [mailto:chiusano_joseph@bah.com] 
	Sent: Thu 29/07/2004 18:31 
	To: Fred Blommestein, van 
	Cc: Schuldt Ron L; Bryan Rasmussen; ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org;
ebsoa@lists.oasis-open.org; Decapua David P; dsommer@comptia.org;
	Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] ebXML core components derivation by

	Given that TBG17 is for harmonisation not updates to the CCTS, is
	a formal procedure for updating the CCTS? I know you mentioned
	individuals yesterday, but how can one be sure that if they submit
	proposed CCTS update that it will be handled expediently according
to a
	well-defined, open process?
	"Fred Blommestein, van" wrote:
	> Ron,
	> <Fred>Extension capabilities are provided. Any project can,
through the appropriate channels (contact your UN/CEFACT Head of
Delegation) forward proposals for new BIE's and CC's to the non-profit
UN/CEFACT working group TBG17 (harmonisation).</Fred>
	> <Ron>How much lag time is possible between the time an extension
is requested and it gets approved by TBG17? Does the TGB17 Working Group
meet periodically to review proposed extensions or is it an ongoing
process? If they meet periodically, what is the frequency? Are the
procedures and decision criteria published somewhere? Where is the current
library of CCs and BIEs published?</Ron>
	> TBG17 now has telecons every week. As a matter of fact
yesterday, during our mail-conversation we had one. The group is building
up its procedures, by assessing the first (eight?) submissions from
industry groups. As all this stuff is new to everybody we must find the
best way by just doing it. After next week we'll have a full week F2F. We
envisage it is ongoing work and we hope by finetuning the procedures and
learning from people like you who have experience in ontology-engineering
in the future to automize (or at least do an automatical pre-assessment
of) most of the work. Both the draft procedures and the first draft list
of CC's have been published in the UN/CEFACT community. Please contact
Alan Stitzer (Alan.Stitzer@marsh.com) who is leading the project.
	> Fred
	Kind Regards,
	Joseph Chiusano
	Booz Allen Hamilton

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