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Subject: RE: [ubl-dev] Version 3 ebXML what different from Version 2
Anne, personally, i see ebXML gaining ground on the touted web services architecture. you can build a web service in 10 minutes (typing rate of 80 words per minute) and i think it is largely that that is the impetus for that genre of software. ebXML strikes me as a ROBUST web service architecture that looks at an architecture that can be built once, left there for all time. though sounding emotive, and that last comment not being exactly the case, under ebXML i think we are looking for the architecture/layers that will provide for the future streamlined internet. the vision is for everyone, SME, consumer, fortune 500, what ever financial elk they may come from discovering each other and interacting business electronically over the internet. it is that collaboration between entities GLOBALLY that i think is where this ebXML thing is headed. the initial learning curve is steep, but it flattens out after 6 months or so. in relation to question 2: what is required is a new vision of business, and not the technology. to begin that, we need to see the ebXML world as a given, and architect ERP/SCM/CRM and other models accordingly. some people are technology oriented and fail to think “products”, which in itself is against contemporary marketing thinking, considered a product orientation, but it is the type of position indentured programmers need to be (outside of the circle). a business plan for deployment of ebXML needs to meet a market need, so the question is “does the market need it”. we think so, now we need to prove it. me, i am in it because it feels good. nice chatting, dean hemopo auckland, new zealand -----Original Message----- From: WALLER Anne [mailto:Anne.Waller@vencorp.vic.gov.au] Sent: Wednesday, 4 August 2004 2:36 p.m. To: ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org; ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org; dee.schur@oasis-open.org Subject: [ubl-dev] Version 3 ebXML what different from Version 2 Peoples, Question 1: Can someone please summarise the difference between ebXML specification V2.0 and V3.0. We are using only one part of the ebXML specification, Messaging Service V1.0 and would like to find out where the ebXML specification is heading. Question 2: Is the ebXML specifications and usage of ; seen to be a healthy on-going process. ie is the business fully supportive of the ebXML specification. There had been very few implementations of the ebXML Messaging Service when we established our systems and wish to find out with V3.0 on the cards, is this (ie ebXML) a strong process that is seen to have a future in today's business to business market. Thanks in advance for your input. regards, Anne Waller Principal Analyst, Multi-Tier Systems Victorian Energy Networks Corporation Level 2 Yarra Tower, World Trade Centre Siddeley Street Melbourne anne.waller@vencorp.vic.gov.au **************************************************************************** ******* This email, including all attachments, is confidential and for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorised to disclose, use, distribute, or in any way make use of the information contained in it, and such activities are prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail, delete the document and destroy all copies of the original message. Any personal or sensitive information contained in this email and attachments must be handled in accordance with the Victorian Information Privacy Act 2000, the Health Records Act 2001 or the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth), as applicable. **************************************************************************** *******
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