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RE: [ebxml-dev] ebxml virtual appliance

The NIH S2Sclient is designed for integraters who's customers are SME's.
Traditionally this has been the market model for reaching the 3rd and 4th tier in the supplychain.
So - someone could integrate the S2Sclient say for QuickBooks on the users desktop.
Similarly the "Google desktop" approach can be done by providing a service running in a hosting environment (I'm currently doing this for an OASIS EML demo we have live).
The whole idea is that the base S2Sclient is flexible enough of a deployment setup - to allow other people to then take it and exploit what it provides.  The idea is NOT TO BE those people yourself - but to support them!!!
Of course a lot of people on this list ARE those integrators - and have customers - nothing wrong with them selling services built on top of the appliance.
The functionality and tools in the appliance that I outlined earlier though - will enable those integrators.  Of course you will also get the occasionally super-geek end user too - no problem with that either.

"The way to be is to do" - Confucius (551-472 B.C.)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] ebxml virtual appliance
From: "Matt MacKenzie" <mattm@adobe.com>
Date: Thu, March 15, 2007 10:06 am
To: "Stephen Green" <stephen.green@bristol.gov.uk>,


If you want to address SMEs, its gotta be easy.  Detailed config is for big business with huge volume.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Green [mailto:stephen.green@bristol.gov.uk]
Sent: Thu Mar 15 07:02:30 2007
To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] ebxml virtual appliance

Or speaking very niaively (not fully geekified yet): How is it
I can just use GoogleTalk in a browser pointing at their website
(even before I knew I had it, for that matter, folk started
talking to me using the IM) but for ebXML it needs all sorts of
serverside stuff and lots of technical knowhow even to install,
let alone use. Mind you I note Sacha once IM'd me using ebXML
and I wouldn't have known it was ebXML he used if he hadn't
told me. Can folk not just make ebXML work like fairly basic IM?
Even using IM to make it P2P like GoogleTalk?

Thanks Matt


>>> "Matt MacKenzie" <mattm@adobe.com> 15/03/07 13:48:36 >>>
A better approach would be to simplify the install and configuration of ebxml components.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Green [mailto:stephen.green@bristol.gov.uk]
Sent: Thu Mar 15 05:37:42 2007
To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] ebxml virtual appliance

Couldn't something be produced, like Joomla or
a wiki, which is very minimal, but actually production
-ready for a small site like a small business? Same
sort of thing an internet provider / telecom
company might provide for its subscribers - pretty
much ready to use out of the box but possible to
tweak for particular situations too.

>>> "Stephen Green" <stephen.green@bristol.gov.uk> 15/03/07 11:44:03 >>>
And/or a liveCD? (or equivalent)
But maybe online equivalent is better for mass use. Any of the likes
of Google or Yahoo doing something?

All the best

Stephen Green

Bryan wrote:

Thinking of that repository of schemas made me think, what about an Ebxml
virtual appliance.

Bryan Rasmussen

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