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Subject: document updates


A couple of questions have come up the last couple of days regarding the
documents, which are now on the web site.

The Plenary approved the documents as submitted, and the steering committee
requested/authorized minor edits before the docs went up on the web. That
has been done, so everything that has been approved in this regards has been

I've already had a couple of requests from teams or people who would like to
do further editing. I'm concerned a bit that the teams don't have any
standing at this point, so can't submit anything, but more concerned that
there is no plenary to approve documents that have been edited. I won't
replace an approved doc on the web page with a new one just because someone
gives it to me. My intent is that regardless whether the edits are cosmetic
or substantive I won't accept any changed documents until they are approved
in some official manner. Please let me know if you want me to handle this in
any other manner.

Second, as I was going through the docs to do the minor touchup over the
weekend I was not at all impressed with their condition. Frankly, they could
use a lot of editing, both individually and collectively. Before UN/CEFACT
and OASIS jointly publishes these docs (and I'm not sure what that means) it
may be wise to devote some resources to having them edited. My guess is that
60-80 hours of a professional editor's time would be required to clean up
all 25 of them.

Karl F. Best
OASIS - Director, Technical Operations
978.667.5115 x206
karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org

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