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Subject: [ebxml-mktg-sc] ebXML Mtkg 8/29/2002: Action Items List
Dave. Ajay can answer today as I am in another teleconference. Attached some brief comments, and to add: * Internal: Add the specific subteam goals (coordinated with subteam inputs). * Internal and external: Cohere team goals (rolling up subteam goals and coordinate activities). * Internal: Add specific subteam timelines. * Internal and external: Roll-up to team timelines and schedule. * External: On timeline and schedule, add vendor outreach in Q4 2002. * Specific to Vendor Industry Outreach: Ajay and I are developing a target industry matrix. Thanks. Monica -----Original Message----- From: David RR Webber - XMLGlobal Sent: Wed 8/28/2002 5:27 PM To: Alexei Chirokikh Cc: ebXML Mkt Steering Subject: Re: [ebxml-mktg-sc] ebXML Mtkg - Bldg our Action Items List Message text written by Alexei Chirokikh > David, Good plan. I volunteer to work on ebMS paper. Regards, Alex <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Alex, Excellent! We look forward to the results of your deliberations on this. I'd like to encourage everyone to pen thoughts whenever possible. Seems like we can collectively create a comprehensive archive of materials. Please don't stop if you are thinking of writing anything relating to ebXML that we can use to educate and enlighten! Thanks, DW.
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