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ebxml-mktg-sc message

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Subject: [ebxml-mktg-sc] ebXML Mtkg 8/29/2002: Action Items List

Ajay can answer today as I am in another teleconference.  Attached some
brief comments, and to add:

*	Internal: Add the specific subteam goals (coordinated with
subteam inputs).
*	Internal and external: Cohere team goals (rolling up subteam
goals and coordinate activities).
*	Internal: Add specific subteam timelines.
*	Internal and external: Roll-up to team timelines and schedule.
*	External: On timeline and schedule, add vendor outreach in Q4
*	Specific to Vendor Industry Outreach: Ajay and I are developing
a target industry matrix.



	-----Original Message----- 
	From: David RR Webber - XMLGlobal 
	Sent: Wed 8/28/2002 5:27 PM 
	To: Alexei Chirokikh 
	Cc: ebXML Mkt Steering 
	Subject: Re: [ebxml-mktg-sc] ebXML Mtkg - Bldg our Action Items

	Message text written by Alexei Chirokikh
	Good plan. I volunteer to work on ebMS paper.
	Regards, Alex
	We look forward to the results of your deliberations
	on this.
	I'd like to encourage everyone to pen thoughts
	whenever possible.
	Seems like we can collectively create a comprehensive
	archive of materials.
	Please don't stop if you are thinking of writing anything
	relating to ebXML that we can use to educate and
	Thanks, DW.

Attachment: ebXML-mktg-docs-0827.ZIP
Description: ebXML-mktg-docs-0827.ZIP

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