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Subject: [ebxml-mktg-sc] FW: ebXML Marketing and MSH
-----Original Message----- From: Dorris Tai [mailto:cwtai@cecid.hku.hk] Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 3:05 AM To: carol.geyer@oasis-open.org Cc: Thomas Lee; Dorris Tai Subject: ebXML Marketing and MSH Dear Carol, Thank you for the update on the latest ebXML marketing plan. I would also like to keep you posted on a couple of things CECID is working on in terms of helping promote ebXML and its adoption. They are not as visionary or ambitious as the ebXML.org's marketing effort, but we hope ours can be a contribution. First, CECID is planning to launch a new website (www.freebxml.org) on Sept 13. The mission of freebXML is to foster the development and adoption of ebXML and related technology through software and experience sharing. It strives to become a centralized site for ebXML project collaborations as more ebXML specifications are becoming available. The focus is on implementation of these ebxml specs and standards. Hence, participants do not create competing specifications to existing specs and standards. I have attached the website FAQ with further details on the purpose of this website and the list of current Steering Committee members. Many of these members are active ebXML evangelists also involved in OASIS' projects. Since we want to keep the administrative overhead minimal as freebxml is pretty much a 'grassroot' movement, you will find the organizational structure very simple and it has no formal governance. www.freebxml.org/index.php will be available for you to preview in the next couple of days. Your comments are most welcomed! Secondly, to add momentum to the launch of freebmxl.org, CECID is donating the source code of an ebXML MSH implementation as a 'free' project to the development community. This MSH implementation (coined Hermes) is in compliance with the new OASIS' MSH standard and will be available for free download at freebxml.org. Finally, two press releases announcing the above will be ready on Sept 13. I wonder if you could help me send them to OASIS members and the ebxml-jmt please? If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best Regards, Dorris ****************************** Dorris Tai Business Manager Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development (CECID) Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems The University of Hong Kong Tel: +852 2859 2818 Fax: +852 2547 4611 URL: www.cecid.hku.hk ===================== FAQ Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is the freebXML.org initiative? 2. Why was freebXML.org created? 3. What is the difference between freebXML.org and other ebXML initiatives? 4. Is freebXML.org going to compete with vendor products? 5. freebXML.org encourages the sharing of ‘free’ code, but why are commercial/proprietary vendors/products listed on this site? 6. How do I join freebXML.org? 7. What is expected from users/developers of freebXML.org? 8. What are the freebXML.org projects? 9. How can I contribute to freebXML.org and its projects? 10. How can I start a new open-source software project at freebXML.org? Answers What is the freebXML.org initiative? freebXML.org aims to foster the development and adoption of ebXML and related technology through software and experience sharing. It provides a centralized site for the sharing of ‘free’ ebXML code and applications as well as development and deployment experience. Why was freebXML.org created? freebXML.org was created to provide a centralized site for ebXML project collaborations as more ebXML specifications are becoming available. Our vision is to create a virtual community, dedicated to ebXML and related technology, to facilitate the sharing of code, applications and experience among developers and users. What is the difference between freebXML.org and other ebXML initiatives? Other ebXML initiatives such as OASIS (www.oasis-open.org and www.ebxml.org) define and create ebXML specifications and standards to enable e-commerce. freebXML.org’s focus is on implementations of these ebXML Specifications/Standards. Thus, participants of freebXML.org do not create competing specifications to existing ebXML Specifications/Standards. Rather, they create and collaborate on projects based on these specifications. Is freebXML.org going to compete with vendor products? No, freebXML.org does not compete with software vendors. On the contrary, we believe open-source projects accelerate product development cycles and spur the creation of a diverse range of products and services that meet market needs. Open-source projects are good driving forces behind technology adoption. freebXML.org encourages open-source projects, but why are commercial/proprietary vendors/products listed on this site? One of freebXML.org’s goals is to drive the adoption of ebXML. Sharing code and binaries is a good way to spur the creation of a variety of ebXML products and services. At the same time, the availability of commercial products/services not only meets the immediate needs of adopters, but also demonstrates the readiness of ebXML for the marketplace. Hence, vendors are a driving force of ebXML adoption. How do I join freebXML.org? To access freebXML.org Website, no membership is required. Some projects may ask users/developers to fill out a form online to help keep track of the download. All access and download privileges are free. What is expected from users/developers of freebXML.org? Users/developers are expected to observe the types of free licenses of the projects. They should also practice proper ‘netiquettes’. What are the freebXML.org projects? Current projects at freebXML.org can be found in http://www.freebxml.org/projects. How can I contribute to freebXML.org and its projects? Users/developers are encouraged to download and carry on further development of the projects. Users/developers can subscribe to individual project development mailing lists and contribute by providing feedback, such as bug or problem reports, as well as patches to the list. How can I start a new open-source software project at freebXML.org? Developers interested in starting a new open-source software project at freebXML.org can email their proposals to freebxml@yahoogroups.com. Our Technical Coordinator will follow up with the sender on the proposal. ===================== Chair: David Cheung, Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development (CECID), The University of Hong Kong Co-Chair: TBD Members: Suresh Damodaran, Sterling Commerce Jasmine Jang, Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce Somnuk Keretho, Kasetsart University Francis Lau, The University of Hong Kong Thomas Lee, Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development Matt Mackenzie, XML Global Dale Moberg, Cyclone Commerce Hima Mukkamala, Sybase Farrukh Najmi, Sun Microsystems Nikola Stojanovic, MetaSpaces Consulting Technical Coordinator: Patrick Yee, Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development Secretary: Dorris Tai, Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development
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